Oh boy, opening this page with a different browser, one where I'm not logged in and not protected from all the nonsense those on my ignore list write, was some mistake I'll not make again.
However, since I was there and scrolled through in fast mode I picked up a few things that are just too far off any reality and since my ignore list will protect me from further replies of these users, let me point one out that is probably the best example, maybe those with a working brain can make use of it.
IFFFFFFFFF vaccination against a fast mutating virus would make the virus mutate faster, then why is the fastest mutating of all the corona viruses the commond cold, the only one where there is no vaccination against?
Why isn't the flu mutating faster? After all there has been vaccination against the flu for decades.
The polar opposite is true.
Mutations are biologically speaking "copy errors" when cells multiply and the copy isn't absolutely identical.
99.999% of these "random mutations" are to the disadvantage of the cell and naturally die out shortly after, out of the remaining 0.001% another 99.999% make no difference whatsoever.
Over time the accumulated mutations lead to the virus being so different from the old one that the human immune system doesn't recognize it as the same virus anymore and that still doesn't mean the new variant would neccessarily be more harmful to the host, just different, requiring an update to the vaccine.
Now how about a tiny little bit of basic logic? Doesn't require any science.
If several quadrillions of copies accumulate to mutations the immune system doesn't recognize anymore, which way does a virus reach this amount of copies faster and easier?
- by a few 100,000 copies it can make in vaccinated people before the immune system fights it off or
- by billions of copies it can make in non vaccinated people before the immune system fights it off?