MovieChat Forums > AngularTurnip > Posts
AngularTurnip's Posts
What piece of music do you prefer ...
Something that people who reboot "TZ" never seem to grasp
Favorite "go-to" joke?
The "Superman" theme or "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly" theme?
Tim Burton's version of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" or Disney's?
The Disney version had a darker, creepier ending
Way, way too long
This feels more like an event than the other entries in the series
Beautiful and appealing ...
Worf or Chewbacca?
Will Season Two be better or worse than Season One?
Did Lucas have any redeeming qualities?
Unintentional hilarity in "TZ"
I wish they had kept Spock dead
Cringe-inducing sexism
Sito Jaxa
It should have been about Robert Englund dealing with the real Freddy Krueger
An episode you like to watch around Halloween?
At what age did you stop trick-or-treating?
Star Trek or Star Wars?