MovieChat Forums > AngularTurnip > Posts
AngularTurnip's Posts
Your favorite song on a rainy day?
How would you rate these horror movie monsters?
Movies you wish you liked more than you actually do?
The worst song ever?
SPOILER AHEAD question regarding the father
Nicholson sucks all the horror right out of this movie
Good movies with weak central performances
Favorite use of a Greek Chorus in a movie?
Movies that only work once
The most apocalyptic ending to a film?
Greatest super hero movie?
Greatest horror film?
Movies that end where they started?
Your favorite film critic?
Your favorite Final Girl?
Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft or Stephen King: of these four horror writers who do you prefer?
It doesn't seem right that in the case of both Christianity and Islam eternal torment awaits the nonbeliever
Greatest jump scare in screen history?
Scariest thing you ever saw on TV?
Your favorite Gothic horror movie?