Bobby Briggs Briganza's Replies

Ja. In days of old, when knights were bold The Net was not invented Lynch showed us boobs of small-town rubes And we had to be contented. Today we get the Internet Which offers untold riches Lynch now must please with Japanese And tall and lanky bitches. Prolly Jade. [url][/url] I would love to see a playlist, curated by Lynch, with the best ladies. (And they don't have to be nude or anything.) Just like, choice clips from Monica Bellucci movies etc. I want that girl who brought the lattes in the early episodes (season 3) to come back. No worries. It's a cool find! I was staying in that area July 2016, in and out of Montparnasse station, and I could swear I saw that sign and wondered what the fudge it was... but I probably dreamed it! Yeah, that's what I said. In town for the visit to the gallery.... that exhibition. I keep saying Tammy or Bobby. Bobby has a destiny, and a "pure" mission. Tammy is very thoughtful, observant, conscientious. Takes everything in objectively, does not contribute to noise. but rather, listens. More likely he was just in town for the visit to the gallery, and it was convenient to shoot the cafe scene nearby. And don't forget about the boobs. Never forget the boobs. "Millennial" was a dog whistle for you. Bullshit on "I click on most of the threads." However, then you realized that this particular discussion of "Millennial" wasn't going 100% in the direction of your usual rants, and you got triggered by seeming references to race that weren't in line with your usual bitch tirade. This is not Yahoo! News. Some of us are not sitting in the middle of the U.S. on a musty dog hair blanket only looking to speed up a few hours until tomorrow comes around. I understand that there is no one in your life - not at work, not in your community, not family - that ever wants to ask your opinion. This is why you creep around in these on-line groups; I get that. There are things you can do though, if you'd calm down a while and stop trying to be an asshole. Maybe start by calling your dad? You're only like 15 so how would you know? Give it a few years. Or maybe date someone and wait until you don't stay with them for the rest of their life. Are you / have you been a professional musician? Do you perform jazz? Your ridiculous idea of "jazzmen" with reefer says no. There are a lot of reasons why, over the course of one's life, one becomes more or less interested in a musical style, or in anything, really. Like I said above, I grew out of punk rock when I was no longer a kid feeling the need to spazz around and when I decided I didn't care for song lyrics thing to be simplistically political. I stopped listening to modern classical music when I started working labor jobs regularly and there was never the right environment or space to really get into it -- to get into the right, quiet mental space for it. My reasons for losing interest in jazz had to do both with the music itself and with the personalities that were typical of the musical scene. I could say more, but you don't deserve to know because you're a piece of shit. The only reason you clicked on this thread was because you saw the word "millennial," which is a dog whistle for you. Then, because your mom hates your druggie ass, you looked for a chance to drop some savory Dutch apples on the rug. Take a walk, and bring the dog with you. Awesome post. I have a gift for you. [url][/url] Now, the idea of visual effect (consistency be damned) doesn't necessarily rule out my Japanese Boobs Confirmation Theory. Perhaps you'll remember the woman with the strange, dead teeth, that made her look like a sexual freak. Dude. It's a free reed instrument. It makes the sound of an accordion or harmonica. Point is, it's handy in size and you could dance around playing it and call yourself Modica the Melodica Man. I thought at first she said, "Do you really want to fuck this?" Like, [i]c'mon trucker dude - how drunk are you that you're hitting on crazy bitch smoker-face Sarah Palmer AND trying so hard?[/i] So do you think it's simply an inconsistency? Given your piano and wind instrument skills, you should have no problem picking up melodica then. It may seem sometimes like mommy doesn't love you, but more than likely she is just grabbing a little distance and taking a break from your personality.