MovieChat Forums > Bubbathegut > Replies
Bubbathegut's Replies
woo is cool
"White House Denies Any Ties To United States"
now thats funny!
She could be the first 3 time winner ever.
Why are people so dumb? Sandra should have been one of the first people to be voted out.
Yeah it was weird that no one sitting around her seemed startled by it, like they knew she was going to do it. Also no one ever corrected her that she was the one who couldn't make it across the balance beam.
I haven't figured out why people sit on idols when they know they have a good chance of being voted out. I can't believe people still trust people they just met 10 days ago. Don't they realize that everyone is lying and trying to win?
first response!
coming 2019...
what about qui gon?
Maybe just a few dudes hanging around in the showers.
this movie still freaks me out