MovieChat Forums > Babestation > Replies
Babestation's Replies
True. I can't see good friends bro-fisting into a hug while calling each other the first one :/
One room being your entire studio apartment? xd
It's okay, there's no shame in being emo.
I like it too. Welcome :)
Yup, that's me in there being Miss Publicist. I don't even ever use reddit and only created an account recently to snare as many people as I can into this place.
Right well, I'm pretty sure the majority of you will want to smack me for this but the one show I haven't seen and apparently 'I must see or I haven't existed', is Game of Thrones.
That's right.
And what?
And what.
Welcome to our new world :) Is it going to be utopian, or dystopian...? I wonder. Nevertheless, we ship-wrecked onto a wondrous island and are met with kindred spirits.
But doesn't your email platform then get bombarded with notifications? I love my inbox clutter free.
I freakin' love nostalgia.
Thought I was going mad for a sec there ^^
Why are you guys quoting me and not commenting on the quote? I'm confused. Shtap.
"I've seen heavily moderated forums where the slightest disagreement led to people crying and running to the mods because someone was "mean to them" (grown ass adults did this!)"
Made me cringe ><
Great metaphor :) Btw, when someone actually does that in cinema, I'm never shy to actually tell said person to stfu.
In a lady-like pleasant manner, of course. Until it repeats.
Not trolling as I'm genuinely curious as I never ventured into places where it was heavily infested by trolls. They sound like a disease/virus to me :/
The only thing that came to mind that would bother me a lot was the excessive use of intentional spoilers. I f***ing hate that. I always get the urge to smack the sh*t out of anyone who gives me one. Argh. I tried hard not to look at the boards until after I'd watch the movie/tv series because of it.
True, people aren't so bad in here. Its feeling is quite warm and inviting isn't it? Something tells me I'll be sticking around for a good long while. I just have to be careful not to get too absorbed and enter the dark path of addiction, argh ><
Yeah it's comforting, and we all want to feel warm and comfortable with familiarity. I'd choose this simple, non-aesthetically-pleasing IMDb-board skin any day. It's all I've known in the past few years ^^
I guess it's okay that it's between them because they know they're not being racist towards each other but rather calling each other 'bros'. It has two connotations, and it depends on the race that uses it to decipher which is being used, I'm thinking.
Oscar-worthy for sure. Poor souls. Be strong, Jim's got this :)
Think I might have contributed to the paranoia by creating this thread. Bringing worries out of the shadows doesn't always work in our favour, sorry :P
Haha, it's so amusing, if not endearing that I'm not alone in the IMDb PTSD. Looks like Dreams, Cookie and Apis took a big hit. I was okay on the other hand because I was far far away in a deep sleep. Good thing that Jim created a thread recently to warn us that it might happen again as he'll be making some updates.
No pain, no gain boys!
And I'd like to see that 'meme' actually... I'm sure the majority of the IMDb originals could relate ^^
Thanks for the warning. Last I heard when there was a glitch or something and this place went down, a few grown boys were reduced to tears.
You could literally be our emotional puppet master, Jim. How does it feel to play God? ;)
I had no idea IMDb even had that feature xD But then I never really needed to find anyone because I'm not a stupid troll. I hope you get what you want though, I can empathise. I've been stalked before and it's frustrating.