Babestation's Replies

I feel your pain. It makes me a little angry that people on other IMDb alter-ego boards keep saying that the site is either gone or 'the worst'. Neither is true and they're just trying deceive people into joining them. I said earlier &quot;I think it's because it doesn't help that the page ends up being a DNS failure, rather than an 'oops, we're down for maintenance but will be back shortly' page&quot; which would have helped you in your case ¬¬ I'll give Jim a site downtime suggestion but the guy has enough on his plate. :/ Oh my, I apologise for misrepresenting your gender. Aww maaaan now I have to be nice to you. And yes you should definitely install whatsapp and connect with your friends with hundreds of smilies. It's like MSN Messenger but not. But would you really want to go back? Does Amazon and IMDb deserve it? I said this in another thread &quot;Tbh I'm beginning to feel that I don't want the IMDb message boards back and would rather this place blossom instead. I want to give IMDb/Amazon my middle finger, and my heart and soul to Jim and this refugee camp. Jim's the one who gives a damn, and it's Jim that is the one who is therefore of any value and worth in my eyes. I'm not someone that takes kindly to financial greed and abandonment. I'll join forces in sticking to my guns of principles where loyalty and betrayal are concerned. I'm marking my territory in here so IMDb can go f**k themselves&quot; Delete your damned account Master... you can do it. Join ussssssss &gt;:) Oh get a room boys! But yeah I'm face stuck into whatsapp because of emoticons. Bring it on. Once we get them, I'll be sure to wish you guys a Merry Christmas. You're welcome. They'll find this thread eventually. Please excuse my poor Photoshop skills... But at least I got to write a cyber heart there damn it. Here is a welcoming thread by the owner, Jim. <a href="">Jim's Thread</a> Appendix number 2 outlines any legal issues. Keep going. I will conquer reddit while you rampage FB. I will annoy millions with persistence and tenacity but I care not ^^ Haha, you sweet lil thing you. Count me in as your friend, jmcy, and I'll join forces in sticking to my guns of principles where loyalty and betrayal are concerned. I'm marking my territory in here so IMDb can go f**k themselves. I'd totally be up for being Jim's cheerleader. From experience, if you tried to make him stfu, he responds with 10 paragraphs outlining why he shouldn't. My eyes died and brain imploded. Well if he does venture on here and decides to stay, it might do better than bad in some ways. You know what they say... bad publicity is better than no publicity :P Well I had already embarrassed myself when I first ventured onto this place by creating threads asking who the author is and other threads to say that I'd like to hug the sh*t out of him or something, and other threads to thank him. All of this due to my childish excitement..... But I'll hopefully redeem myself in here to say a huge thank you to Jim for recreating, salvaging and rescuing all our cherished moments, memories and contributions. Thank you for bringing the IMDb refugees to a place where we can feel at one with our kindred spirits, a place we can now call home, a promised land that cannot be taken from us. And for the daily, hourly hard work and efforts you are putting into this place. You're our cyber Godfather and we are worshippers of our saviour. You're the best. Hug? Thanks genius ^^ <a href="">Google Test</a> Reckon Jim could ignite that again? What is Haiku? That's my vision as well. I envision that this place will be the most popular, the most sought out after, the most trafficked, and that Jim receives all his glory whether it'd be financially and/or vocationally. This could be his full time job if it kicks off! And I know I'd have loved to see that. Just another smack in their face. Oh how I love Karma. Human nature at its best. Oh god. I think I know who Markoff is from the original boards, and he's known as I've witnessed to be the biggest pain in the ass aside from a penis. I can't deal with him so I'll leave it with you guys as he's of the delusional cretin breed. You cannot reason with insanity.