PeteyandJia's Replies

I cracked up several times Including the title joke scene, when Larry didn't thank him for his service Larry mocks republicans all the time. They had an entire season which culminated in Larry not being able to have sex with the girl he was chasing the whole time, because he found out she liked GW Bush. Yeah that sounds like a fun time I just wish Bernthal had gone into any kind of detail whatsoever about what he means by 'bully', there isn't even enough there to discuss. Kind of a non-story, Bernthal doesn't really say anything remotely specific here. I would watch it, give it a try; and if it sucks, then it won't affect the old stuff for me at all. If the new one ends up being good, then that's awesome; but either way to me, the original series stands on its own forever. No one can ever tarnish that legacy. Definitely theater. Lush visuals. Maybe, but his story is nothing as horrid as the Weinstein stories, up to & including rape. Basically, when he was 14 he went to a party, and he met a 26 year old Spacey at the party, who tried to seduce him. He said no, and Spacey... took no for an answer. That is nothing like the Weinstein rape stories. Yeah, I'm also disappointed. He seemed more honorable than that. He probably did brag about it to his friends, until it became trendy to be a victim in modern culture, so now he's using it for that. Ha, yeah exactly. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of girls/women training martial arts, and they should, and there are some things that can potentially help if they are being attacked, but in general they should always plan on it being an emergency only scenario, and realize that even then they are at a huge disadvantage, even with training. Nature is a motherfucker. I think he was feeling a sense of completion for once, 'mission accomplished' due to connecting Deckard with his daughter. Like his 'life' was worth something after all in the end. It's so naive when women who train martial arts think they can beat up a huge guy. Any martial artist who trains in a real school doesn't just learn techniques, they learn their limits. Of course I would be rooting for Michelle Yeoh, but Weinstein would most likely wreck her in a fight, & it would be ugly. There is nothing wrong with being gay. I support your equal rights Harvey Rapestein Too bad somebody didn't kill this piece of shit This post was deleted because its radiator hose gave out Yeah it was quite a beautiful film. I enjoyed the pace & elegant structure. And of course the stunning lush visual landscapes. I'm glad I saw it in IMAX before it left. Best eva Update: I ended up going to see BR:2049, and enjoyed the hell out of it. You absolutely don't need to see the first one to really enjoy this one, my mind was put at ease from the opening second, as it starts with text on the screen explaining the basic situation of the world. From then on, the plot was pretty self-contained. Even when Harrison Ford appears, it's obvious from the setup beforehand who he was, and why Officer K was trying to find him. Just a great film, even all on its own.