MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

You obviously lost the argument and show your frustration through insults and profanity. Anger much? "it needs to be able to stand on it own within its own time frame." You are thinking of Force Awakens as a single movie instead of 1/3 of a story or part of a six hour movie. Disney doesn't have to follow your formula. Filmmakers are allowed to do things differently. Lucas did which is how we ended up with the very innovative first Star Wars movie. "no answer to her backstory will ever satisfy everyone" She's a Skywalker. Nuff said. So you want exposition and a slow-paced movie? Lucas did that with the Phantom Menace and you fans complained ad nauseam. Now you know why Disney went in the opposite direction. Sorry, you don't get to complain about this too. BTW, we never see James Bond being trained to fight, so why would you want to see Rey's training? We never see Bond taking driving lessons or learning how to shoot a gun. But, you want to see Rey taking flying lessons. Double-standard, boring and dumb. "she seemingly gets contrived abilities whenever the plot calls for it. How does she know the force?" You may need to watch the film again since the answer is very obvious when you're paying attention. "why Anakin was allowed to race in the first place. How can Rey do the mind trick? Why does Finn rebel? Where the hell did Poe go? Why does R2 just wake up? Why is everyone looking for Luke, why is he even missing?" Most of your questions are answered in the movie which you obviously had a hard time following and explains why you didn't like the movie. You're faulting the movie for your own shortcomings. "Everyone of his(Lucas) movies could stand on their own merit" That's not true. Empire Strike Back ended with two major cliff hangers and one minor. Starting with The Phantom Menace, Lucas would introduce questions that had no answers in the movie. Example: Who is Anakin's father? Whether you like it or not, Lucas and Disney created questions within the movies with answers in a book or game so that they could make more money. "the controls for the T-16 were similar enough to the x-wing for him to do alright...Rey's set up is not comparable in the slightest" And you know this how? A farmboy getting into a military space vessel for the first time and doing military maneuvers makes perfect sense to you? Why would he even know where the deflectors on a military ship were? How would he know the controls for attack position? His friend Biggs had military training at the Imperial Academy to learn what Luke just happens to know with no training. Experienced Porkins couldn't pull his vessel up, but untrained Luke could? Luke can fly well enough to shoot enemy fighters and save the experienced rebel pilots? Double standard. It's fine for Luke to say he had piloted a ship, but it's not fine when Rey says she can pilot a ship? You must really hate capable females. Pilot Han flew and fixed his own ship. Rey flew and could fix ships. Same thing. More double standard. More misogyny. Model Ts didn't have complicated dashboards and were much slower. Do you think someone from 1920 would know what half of the controls on a modern car are? Nolan's film have mystery and/or suspense. Inception, Intersteller and Memento. A movie that is completely predictable is boring. I had to watch each of these movies to know what the story was. Unlike most superhero movies which have no story - just a cliched formula. "Not really more of an annoyance and disappointment." Same difference. Just stop watching Star Wars movies or stick to the old ones. Potterhead = google is your friend. I'm a fan. And I'm happy it was renewed. Again, you're complaining about the entire plot not being in the first 1/3 of the story when two more movies are being released. When Maz Kanata asked Han who Rey was, the scene ended before we heard his reply. Obviously her identity is important. "She did not get any training whatsoever in the film." No need to show it in the film when it's obvious. Rey beat up the goons, piloted a ship, and used the Force. This was a fast-moving action-packed film. Abrams showed the result of the training. "It is not in the film and that is all that matters." Lucas and Disney disagree with you and so do the EU fans. If you want to know why C3PO has a red arm, then you'll have to read the book. LOL. Your double-standard is still showing. Luke was able to pilot and outmaneuver in a MILITARY VESSEL that he never flown while seasoned rebel pilots were getting killed. There is a difference between a military vessel and a civilian one he flew in Beggar's Canyon. The Millennium Falcon is an old junk vessel. Even when Luke was young, it was old junk. Rey flying that would be the equivalent of you driving a Model T, a more simple, slower version of whatever you drive in 2017. BTW, she knew space vehicles because she could repair them. Now you have a problem with mystery? All good movies have mystery. You shouldn't know what happens before you watch it. The movie is causing you a great deal of pain and grief. And I believe you watched the movie more than once. LOL. Now that's foolish and gullible. Life is short. Move on. Become a Potterhead. They await your arrival. He's not getting them passed because most are bad bills with little or no support and/or illegal/unconstitutional. Someone had said it would be hard for him to make the transition because he is used to being a boss and doesn't understand compromise and a win-win situation in which he and the other side can get something positive. I don't like how he was trying to pass Trumpcare and then when it failed, he said it was a bad deal anyway. He wanted to pass something bad just in order to win instead of doing the work make Trumpcare a good healthcare solution. Rey did have training. Perhaps she's a prodigy like Anakin. Anakin was literally the only human who could podrace because human reflexes aren't quick enough. It's in the book. Quick reflexes helps one to podrace and to pilot a ship which explains why Rey could evade enemy fire so well in the Millennium Falcon. BTW, if Luke can pilot a military vessel X-Wing that he never flew so expertly, then Rey can pilot too. Double-standard? It's obvious that Ren doesn't want to kill Rey. He was trying to recruit her. "I can train you." There is no mystery. You have watched only the first third of a trilogy therefore two-thirds of the story hasn't been told yet. The movie is about the Skywalker family, so yes, it's going to have Skywalkers in it. There's nobody more foolish and gullible than a person who complains about a movie trilogy but continues to watch it anyway. The FBI agents storyline is wrecking Designated Survivor. I just placed Man In The High Castle on my library list. Thanks. I'm in the middle of reading a trilogy about an EMP attack on the U.S. and several other countries. One Second After by William R. Forstchen. Realistic. I can't believe I forgot to mention one of my favorite TV shows, Jericho. Maybe a thriller though. Designated Survivor is probably a thriller, too. The Man In the High Castle sounds intriguing - if they ever release it on DVD. I found Palpatine's political manipulations very realistic which was interesting to me. I can't believe people still fall for it. BTW, Ian McDiarmid gave a little warning recently. [quote]As far as the Emperor’s story is concerned, it’s about somebody who preaches democracy and acts as an authoritarian. And, all I would say is that hasn’t gone away. It probably won’t go away. There’s a lot of that about, so keep your wits about you.[/quote] Perhaps for the same reason that Hitchcock and Stan Lee does. Not true about Star Wars. The prequels were about how a democracy turns into a tyranny. Compare Palpatine's political manipulations to Erdoğan, Putin, Maduro, Hitler, Stanin, or even Trump. The original trilogy was popcorn escapism, but it was needed during the 70s. The country needed a simple movie with good guys to cheer after Watergate and the Vietnam War. The present Star Wars trilogy is allowing girls to fantasize about being the hero for a change. It's also inclusive racially and ethnically so anyone can be the hero. Hurrah! Quality sci-fi with underlying themes: The Arrival, The Martian, Avatar sequels (coming soon), some of the dystopian trilogies like Hungar Games. On TV, 11.22.63, The Handmaiden, Westworld, Timeless (history lessons), Designated Survivor, upcoming Star Trek TV show sounds promising. Not sci-fi, but I like Game of Thrones because it explores different types leaders (honest, religious, weak, ambitious, insane, inexperienced, etc.) strengths and weaknesses. You can see how they fail or succeed. and Walking Dead is a study in sociology and psychology to me. Only reason I watch it. Anakin's arrogance did him in both times he lost. Notice how The Emperor's arrogance did him in also. Luke even mentions that it would. No human was able to podrace except for Anakin. His reflexes were so quick, he was able to survive the sport. Qui-gon mentions The Force being responsible for Anakin's quick reflexes. As for Rey, there are two novels that contradict each other. One says that Rey never piloted a ship while the other one says she had which would explain her flying experience. Maybe we'll see her piloting ships in the upcoming animated cartoon - who knows? Ren and his followers are the ones attacking the Jedi. That's shown in Rey's flashback and in the Last Jedi trailer. We see Ren and the Knights of Ren there. "Ren just killed his own father in the last film." I'm glad you brought that up. My theory is that Ren couldn't kill Rey instead he hid her on that planet. Remember, Rey says that her "family" left her there - never says her parents. Ren was not evil enough to kill her. He has an opportunity to redeem himself when Snoke tells him to kill his own father. This time, he doesn't fail. Ren needed to prove to himself (and Snoke) that he is as evil as Vader. I've been leaning towards Rey being Ren's half sister instead of cousin since it explains a few plot points better than if she were a cousin or stranger. Star Wars was always about the Skywalker family so it makes sense that she's one too. Just 228 more days to find out. It's like they're playing "good cop, bad cop". [quote]What does being a Skywalker have to do with it?[/quote] Everything. Luke, "The Force is strong in my family." Ren was beaten because Rey is more powerful in the Force than he is. Someone who is extremely powerful in the Force with less training would beat someone weaker in the Force with more training. It's also obvious that some of her ability is innate which is why she was able to outfly the Tie fighters when she piloted the Millennium Falcon. That's similar to young Anakin's podracing skill according to Qui-gon. Interesting twist would be granddaughter Rey having Vader's level of Force ability which would really upset Ren since he's the one who wants to be like him. Ren was the one who physically beat Luke or at least his students - not Snoke - since we see Ren at the burning site. Don't exclude emotion. Luke couldn't kill his own father. I question if Rey or Ren will kill each other if they are closely related. Yes, because it's a stereotype. The movie is pocking fun at "white liberal" racism which is more subtle. That stereotype comes from comparing blacks to animals and coming from a jungle. I'm saying that Paramount has been hostile to Star Trek fans especially those making fan films. Some of the popular ones were at least an hour and even had former Star Trek actors. Those cannot ever be made again. The fan films have a respect for Roddenbery's vision and I enjoyed watching a few of them. My favorite is Star Trek Phase 2 series which can be found on youtube. This one stars several former Trek actors. [url][/url] Mr George Takei is in this fan film: [url][/url] Maybe Paramount is afraid of the competition. Paramount sued people making fan films. Fan films can't be longer than 30 minutes, no longer have former Star Trek actors, can't have Star Trek in its name, etc. Full list of rules: [url][/url] Seriously, George Lucas used to hire fans who created Star Wars related projects. He made an official contest with prizes for those with fan films. Big difference. Any surprise why Star Wars grows in popularity while Star Trek stagnates. Beyond was Fast and Furious in Space. I actually liked the first two movies. A larger general audience that Paramount wanted never happened. And the fans stayed away so they won't expect or want another Fast and Furious in Space movie. Unfortunately, Paramount wants the same director for Trek 4 so more of the same to come. Fans may have to give up on the movies and just watch the new TV show when its finally released. I question if that will survive even if it's good since a subscription will be needed. The whites in the movie were racists who were stereotyping blacks as being physically superior. BTW, that stereotype about black people does exist. I hope Wiig arrives and takes the kid and then they both leave. Or maybe his parents will show up and take him away. At least he's a Star Wars fan! It's not ruined. The actors are perfect. The problem is with the directors and writers. Paramount needs to not be involved in the creative process and hire a director and writers who actually like the original Star Trek concept. No more Fast and Furious in Space.