Movie producers ran out of stories and themes long ago. They
bled the American Western dry, they sloganeered the war genre
until about the time of the "Green Beret" the propaganda overtook
the moviemaking.
Thus, the appearance of Science Fiction ... roughly starting with
2001: A Space Odyssey studios realized there was money to be
made. 2001 had a story and a point, something that people
pondered days after they left the theater. It was before the moon
landing and was the precursor to the meme of that shot of Earth
from the moon ... which was in 2001.
In other words Science Fiction was inherently politically subversive
to the established political order. Later movies like THX-1138 by
George Lucas, Planet of the Apes, and others had a strong Progressive
Then we have Star Wars, the movie that snatch Science Fiction
aways from the intellectuals and story-tellers and steered it to
eye-candy and marketing children's toys, not to mention fast food.
The genre was high-jacked and shut down by also conflating
science fiction with horror with Alien, or fantasy Star Wars and
things like zombies or ESP.
Along the way there were some notable exceptions, Enemy Mine,
Andromeda Strain, but in general Hollywood has failed to include
any weight or meaning in most science fiction. The biggest example
of this has been the conversion of Phillip K. Dick's movies to the
silver screen - all action and effects, no real story.
Science fiction books and many movies used to be about exercising
people's minds and imaginations, whereas now it is mostly about
recreating the old meaningless, cliffhanger serials and that is where
Star Wars innovated.
And one other notable example of what I am describing has been
the marketization of Star Trek which had a point and a thoughtful,
for the 1960's message of positivity and hope in its TV incarnation
was trivialized and made into eye candy - the first to destroy a
giant starship, and then turn that in a cliche, starting the
giant disasters movies, which are also filed under Sci-Fi.
you said it yourself, Star Wars isent Science Fiction, its fantasy. Its really just wizards and a farm boy saving the prissiness from the evil baddy. And there are plenty of meaningful sci-fy movies, Interstellar, Blade Runner, The original Ghost In The Shell, get of your high horse of superiority and see okay?
Hey, "S" for brains, can I not just express a civilized educated opinion without dipthis you claiming I am on a high-horse and telling me how to correct it? You are the troll that needs massive improvement. I bet getting your punched a lot for being so annoying hasn't taught you anything but to stick to the internet - and that why you have such an sphincterish attitude. IGNORED.
1- im not trolling and gave you a reasonable answer which you have projected your own anger onto, since referring to anything as 'the real...' is usually a way of saying that new changes and fluctuations to a genre are bad when in reality its just evolving and you'll always have the ''''real'''' movies to watch.
2-what are you saying? 's' for brains??? dipthis?????? I'm guessing English isn't your first language since some stuff your saying doesn't make a lot of sense but please re-read what you've said before posting so its at least comprehensible
Not true about Star Wars. The prequels were about how a democracy turns into a tyranny. Compare Palpatine's political manipulations to Erdoğan, Putin, Maduro, Hitler, Stanin, or even Trump. The original trilogy was popcorn escapism, but it was needed during the 70s. The country needed a simple movie with good guys to cheer after Watergate and the Vietnam War.
The present Star Wars trilogy is allowing girls to fantasize about being the hero for a change. It's also inclusive racially and ethnically so anyone can be the hero. Hurrah!
Quality sci-fi with underlying themes:
The Arrival, The Martian, Avatar sequels (coming soon), some of the dystopian trilogies like Hungar Games. On TV, 11.22.63, The Handmaiden, Westworld, Timeless (history lessons), Designated Survivor, upcoming Star Trek TV show sounds promising.
Not sci-fi, but I like Game of Thrones because it explores different types leaders (honest, religious, weak, ambitious, insane, inexperienced, etc.) strengths and weaknesses. You can see how they fail or succeed. and Walking Dead is a study in sociology and psychology to me. Only reason I watch it.
I like GOT too. It is pretty amazing, though I don't like it as much now as when I started to watch it, which was pretty late. Same with Walking Dead, and even LOST, I tend to catch on to these trends late if ever.
I guess you can say loosely that Star Wars is about how democracy turns into tyranny, but it doesn't really say anything interesting or relevant on the subject, only that tyranny always seems to win. Besides we are all getting a realtime lesson in that now. ;-)
I did not like the Arrival, though it was entertaining. Avatar was kind of juvenile. I think it would have loved it as a kid. Don't like Hunger Games, 11.22.63 - I hated. Westworld is pretty damn interesting, and I liked the original Star Trek and Enterprise most.
Designated Survivor is surely not Sci-Fi, but I do like it except when it gets really unbelievable.
I can't believe I forgot to mention one of my favorite TV shows, Jericho. Maybe a thriller though.
Designated Survivor is probably a thriller, too. The Man In the High Castle sounds intriguing - if they ever release it on DVD.
I found Palpatine's political manipulations very realistic which was interesting to me. I can't believe people still fall for it. BTW, Ian McDiarmid gave a little warning recently.
As far as the Emperor’s story is concerned, it’s about somebody who preaches democracy and acts as an authoritarian. And, all I would say is that hasn’t gone away. It probably won’t go away. There’s a lot of that about, so keep your wits about you.
The FBI agents storyline is wrecking Designated Survivor.
I just placed Man In The High Castle on my library list. Thanks.
I'm in the middle of reading a trilogy about an EMP attack on the U.S. and several other countries. One Second After by William R. Forstchen. Realistic.
Beginning of 2015 I read an EMP disaster book, "Last Stand: Surviving America's Collapse"
by William H. Weber. It was entertaining. Too much alpha male flexin' for my tastes. The characters are always the never wrong alpha male, and then various losers who challenge him and put the group in danger or get their families or themselves killed.
"The Dog Stars" by Paul Heller was more interesting and told more of a realist human story.
Another excellent Sci-Fi that should and probably will make it to the screen, but probably won't be that good is "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi, that is a definite 5/5. It's a bit like "Starship Troopers" / Robert Heinlein. I liked the Martian. There was the Wool Trilogy that was interesting but very long and a bit tedious.
Bear it mind that I started "Man In The High Castle" in the late 70's or early 80's and I could just never get into it. When I got it on audiobook I got past my hurdle and really enjoyed it.
I don't read much fiction though. About 1% science fiction, 3% historical fiction, 2% biography or narrative and 94% non-fiction. Probably why I'd like to see some good sci-fi movies since I don't take the time necessary to read them, and if they turn out not so good it is time wasted.
Did you ever see "The Main From Earth". I really liked that movie, though it is not what many people would call science fiction.
" Erdoğan, Putin, Maduro, Hitler, Stanin, or even Trump"
What stupid comparison to include Trump or Stalin on that list. Neither are or were particular good at political manipulations. For Stalin he was just a successor of Lenin, whom was a great political manipulator. Trump is not nearly clever enough to be a manipulator, he is egotistical loud mouth. That is probably the worst type of manipulator in existence. Trump is just a knee jerk reaction to Obama whom was a clever political manipulator, so about half the country went with someone pretty much the exact opposite.
I mean I knew you were of low intelligence, or maybe rather pseudo intelligence, from our other discussions but this is pretty stupid.
"The present Star Wars trilogy is allowing girls to fantasize about being the hero for a change. It's also inclusive racially and ethnically so anyone can be the hero. Hurrah!"
Ah there it is, you give TFA a free pass because it pandered to the SJW in you. How is girl heroines a change? Great heroines have been around in film for 40 years, including within even Star Wars. Was Leia not a hero girls could fantasize about being? ridiculous. as for the racially diverse, what about Lando? In my opinion he was a great hero that fit into the universe much more organically than throwing a actor of a different race and then have them act like that people of that culture here on earth. Lando spoke very similar to Han because they were both scoundrels, so the fact that he was black played no role in the characterization. You can't say the same for Finn. "who's in charge now phasma?""droid, please". They pretty much throw a black guy in there and made him dance. Surprising that more were not upset by this.
Trump used hate and fear for idiots to vote for him. Obviously, he had your vote or at least support.
Ian McDiarmid's warning:
"One of the things I really admire about [Star Wars creator] George [Lucas]…as a person and a creator of this amazing saga is his attention to great stories, great myths but also the present.
As far as the Emperor’s story is concerned, it’s about somebody who preaches democracy and acts as an authoritarian. And, all I would say is that hasn’t gone away. It probably won’t go away. There’s a lot of that about, so keep your wits about you."
That was not what was discussed though. You were talking about political manipulators. Stalin (and Trump) are about as subtle as a sledge hammer; not really good means for political manipulations.
"rump used hate and fear for idiots to vote for him. Obviously, he had your vote or at least support. "
This is a non-argument. By casting anyone that voted for Trump as an idiot you close all possibility of reasonable discussion and disagreement. You assume an elitist mentality, assume you are superior and discount anyone that disagrees as an idiot. 1 that makes you an idiot. 2. This is a major reason why Trump one, those that disagree with his positions assumed they were the betters without good reason thus alienating a large portion of their fellow Americans. Also, hate and fear are not necessarily irrational. Have you ever been to a country like Afhganistan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan? I have. I can tell you without any doubt there is nothing (not a single thing) from those cultures I want to see in my country. Does that make me an idiot, or fully informed reasonable individual. I doubt you are fully informed and that is why you seem so ignorant. In addition, in America, most that are ignorant are still confident (arrogant). You do not know the correct answers but you assume you do.
"As far as the Emperor’s story is concerned...
That warning could just as easily been applied to Obama. Trump I would say is almost the opposite. He acts authoritarian, but can not get a single thing done, legislatively speaking. My only dissapointment in my vote for Trump is, so far, he has been frightfully ineffective. Funny that people like you still act like he is a dictator when even his executive orders( which are legal) are not being upheld.
"A token female and a token black man..."
Did you just not pay any attention to what I actually wrote?
I hate to say this and I really really fucking hate to say this, but you right about the conversation about trump. Its easy to look at the man and the things he does and assume everyone else sees the buffoon the man is. BUt not everyone does. Theres also more to look at than just him. What was the other choice, a women that at best wasnt just clueless about how to use an email? A woman that had "more of the same" stamped all over her? A woman that in all honesty stole the nomination from bernie. Im not saying bernie would have won, but he most certainly didnt have the massive baggage that she did.
But back to the point. The left were stupid about trump. All most of the did was shout abuse, they never made any attempt to actually converse about why they hated trump so much. All the did was call trump supporters morons. Who has ever been won over by being called names? No one. But right up until the end they did it. ANd even now they take no responsibility for driving so many people into trumps open arms.
The polls said he never had a chance, but no one ever considered that the polls would be made up of people too afraid to speak about trump for fear of being shot down and called names and generally abused. Thats why when he won everyone was dumb struck.
Both sides have to stop this name calling stuff. WE both have to understand that different people see different things and that the only way forward is together through conversation. For example bernies universal healthcare was dismissed by the right because it would increase taxes by 6%. No one wanted to listen to the fact that a 6% raise in taxes would be cheaper than current heath insurance costs. All they wanted to pay attention to was the negative because it fit their bias. The left and the right need to get out of this conformation bias they stuck in. Not everything is fake news and not every story about trump trying to fuck is daughter is true.
There are many factors that went into Trump winning. I do think Bernie would have won over Trump, even being the insane socialist that he is. In my interpretation of Democrats and liberals is they only observe what is happening at the moment but do not follow anything through to a conclusion. Republicans and Conservatives live in the future and spend too much time thinking about how things 'could' end up and fail to address the problems we face at the moment.
"The left were stupid about trump."
What do you mean "were", they still are. Trump is doing an awful job and they could mop the floor with him by just being honest. Instead they turn everything to 11 and it makes it unreliable news that no one will listen too. The left are just a noisy bell at this point.
"Both sides have to stop this name calling stuff..."
I agree but that is difficult when the disagreements are on such a fundamental level. pretty much each side is almost incapable of viewing the other because the values are so different. Because they cannot empathize with other side. I am guilty of this too. The reason though is because I fundamentally and on every level disagree with the values of the left.
"for example berniess universal healthcare..."
ohh you really need to do a little more economic research on Bernies healthcare plan. that 6% would have only lasted 1 year before the healthcare costs exceeded the entire national GDP. It would have only save people money for about that time before entire economy would crumble and business would flee the country so people would be out of work. This is an example of the left not following things through to a conclusion. Now I might not be capable of addressing the needs of America right now, but I trust the free market to sort it out better than the government.
As someone who lives in a country with free healthcare, I can assure you that that's not the case. Universal healthcare will work, if given the chance.
The problem with the free market is that both people as individuals and as companies have shown thy will abuse the system and rig the hell out of it. Take the Internet for example. verison and Comcast have set up little monopolies in different areas, and they rape people with there prices. If they ever had to do serious completion with each other the customer would be the winner. But just ask the millions of Americans still on dialup how that's going because they don't invest in some areas still all.
Right now they want to bin net neutrality. Trump says they can be trusted, but experience says otherwise. They want to get rid of net neutrality so they can over charge Netflix and it's like for access. How can that happen when there's little pockets all over the US with real choice in internet provider?
The free market has been crippled by the right. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the left would be any different. I just point out the right as they are the most obvious about their corruption. Where I live everything used to state owned. The power, the phone etc etc etc. Then in the 80s the conservative government wanted to be more like America and make everything private. So they sold off the state owned power business to private companies at a loss. Why? Because they were corrupt and still are. They sat on the boards of theses companies or had stock in these companies and they all made money from things the people had paid for. Now we have a cluster fuck for energy companies. There's 6 main big ones that laughingly compete with each other. And by conpete with each other I mean they don't all. They all agree on pricing, and keep it artificially high so they can make stupid profits. They buy oil and gas at the going rate, then sell it to themselves at an inflated rate, then sell it to us at an even bigger rat
"As someone who lives in a country with free healthcare,"
That is because actual healthcare costs are far less in your country, hence why you do not pay 100% in taxes. The US healthcare cost are among the highest on the planet. Also I will bet your healthcare has extremely long waiting lists and is of lower standard; but that is without knowing what country you are talking about. but no matter the case the only reason your country is not bankrupt, though that might be approaching for you, is your GDP is great and your population is low. That is the only way it 'could' work. this is just not the case with America. Also free healthcare is not the same as free health insurance.
"The problem with the free market is that both people as individuals and as companies have shown thy will abuse the system and rig the hell out of it"
Oh and the government won't? this is ridiculous. History has shown us time and again that governments are for more abusive than corporations. because in a free market if a company is abusing the market customers can choose to not buy the product anymore, thus forcing the companies to stay competitive. The government does not have that limitation. your example with comcast is inaccurate by the way, all you have to do is show a willingness to move to a different company, even if the service is not as good. Comcast will lower their price to keep you as a customer. people just aren't willing to stand up to the companies. I pay $45 dollars a month for Blast internet and cable tv with HBO because I told them unless they compete with other companies prices I was leaving them. That is how a free market works. but you have to willing to make good on your threat. You will never be able to hold government run operations hostage like that. Just look at the case with healthcare in America now. Before there was competition and prices were low. Government stepped in and competition failed and prices sky rocketed.
Don't get me wrong I am not saying businesses should not have some government regulations to help prevent abuse. The 80's showed us that if you let the bull lose without any control it can get out of hand, then again in the 80's we saw one of the greatest economic booms this country has ever seen so maybe in the long run it is worth letting the abuse happen but punishing the abusers when they are caught.
Neither can be trusted but at least with free market corporations cannot hold you hostage and demand you do something the way governments can.
Also depending on what country you are from the political left and right are significantly different in america then what they are in most European countries.
Im in the UK. Our standard of healthcare is on par with yours. The current conservative government is trying to turn i tto shit at the moment so they can bring in a plan to privatise healthcare in England. In the 80s Margaret Thatcher was a bitch that ruled the country like she had something to prove to all the men. And she despertaly wanted to turn the UK into the 51st state. The current crop of torys are self proclaimed "thatchers children".
When I say a free market doesnt work I dont mean to imply that a government cant be corrupted, or that it isnt as able or willing to abuse its power. However I would say that a government can be voted out. A corporation cant. And as you can see the corporations once they get big enough squash the little guy, and work with other big companies to set the prices they want. Thats why your healthcare costs are so high, because they set the prices. They argue that its the cost of the pills, but its not. They sell the same drugs to us, but because we have a healthservice that reviews the drugs and balances their worth for a fair price we are in a better position to haggle. In scotland I pay nothing for an prescription. The waiting times are under 4 hours for walking ins at A&E(ER for you?) Obviously its much sooner if you have something seriously wrong. Doctors are all well paid. And we never ever have to worry about cancer treatments, or if we'll lose everything because of some illness. My GF has MS, she needs regular treatments that in the US would have bankrupted us with in a year because its a pre-existing condition. She was diagnosed at 19.
Theres lot of reasons why healthcare in the US needs real reform, but as long as the insurance companies exist to abuse their position nothing will really change. When you got to hospiltal with something like threatening, the first thing you should hear is "how can we help?" not "fill in these forms and we'll be with you shortly." or "how are you paying for this?".
YOur argument about comcast is true, for you. For a lot of places in the US its not. For very large parts of the US its true. There are no other options. Its comcast or its virizon, thats it. Some people dont even have access to braodband nevermind fibre. This is actually a really good example of one the problems people face in the US, they dont know their neighbours. Its not a fault its just as you know the place is fucking huge. Because of that people assume that what their experience is the same for everyone. Which is sadly not the case. Thats the reason trump won. The people in the not so imprtant parts of the country where and still are tired of not being heard. The large population centres are the only ones that matter. The New Yorks and the LAs are all that matter. Trump is the living embodiment of people saying "we have had enough being ignored". And rightly so. Because they have been. I still think trump as horrible choice, but look at the options you were given.
When large companies carve out territory and then buy up all the little guys, the free market dies. Thats why comcast is now trying to get rid of net neutrality. Thats why most of them would allow you to use google pay, they forced users to use their own brand of electronic payment. Which you should google buy the way because its fucking hilarious what they called it. Speaking of google, they are trying to bring in fibre equally to the whole country. Guess who trying to stop them? Going so far as blocking access to utility poles in california. If they already had a free market why would google fibre scare them so much that they are fighting in every state to block it?
" All they wanted to pay attention to was the negative because it fit their bias."
While the negative did fit the rights bias, unfortunately all the facts and economic analysis confirmed the negatives were more likely to happen. in this case the facts fit the bias. While confirmation bias does play a role, at least for me, I got with whichever side that has more facts, data and analysis on their side. all sanders could do was bitch about the wealthy 1% while he himself is the wealthy 4% owns 3 houses over $500,000 dollars each and drives around in a $200,000 car. Sorry to say but Sanders is full of shit.
See Bernie having 3 houses doesn't really mean anything. I know people say he's a socialist, but he's not. He's a democratic socialist, so he and his wife spending their money isn't really an issue. The issue comes from the rich not wanting to share the wealth. Now if you tell me Bernie doesn't pay his taxes or has little kids in China making his shoes then I'll get on board, but just having isn't enough to condemn a man.
I take issue with people like Mitch McConnell. A man so utterly corrupt he smirks whenever he fucks people over. How many times now has he screwed the veterans of the us? Making doing the right thing political instead of just doing the right thing by the men and women that served. America has a really big thing for its troops, so it's bewildering to me that any of you would continue to support a group of people that regularly screw the troops. Whether that's simply trying to get something in return for doing the right thing or trying to insert some bullshit clause that has nothing to do with veterans benefits into a bill, or just shutting down the government because you don't wanna work with Muslim from Kenya. It's all petty stuff and non of it is for the good of people.
Both right and left need to clean house. Stop re electing the same dross that treat their position the same way a fat kid treats a big of m&ms. Stop supporting political parties that about making money, and start sone that are about the good of country and everyone in it, not just some. That's my opinion anyway.
"See Bernie having 3 houses doesn't really mean anything. "
Bernie pays less percentage in Taxes even I do. He is a rich person that does not share the wealth, In my opinion he is the only one that should have to, the man has never had a job outside public service. The guy is deadbeat that capitalized on the easy money of government run organizations. that is the thing with socialist they horde the wealth and distribute how they see fit. because they feel they know how to spend my money better than I do.
"I take issue with people like Mitch McConnell. "
most conservatives don't like McConnel. They call him a Rino, a democrat pretending to be republican. But he fucks people over just as much as the Democrats. What has Obama and the Democrats done for veterans in the last 15 years? not a damn thing. How has the republican's "screwed the troops"? I suspect you do not know what you are talking about and have been listening to too much CNN or BBC. They do not report accurately.
"Both right and left need to clean house. Stop re electing the same dross that treat their position the same way a fat kid treats a big of m&ms. Stop supporting political parties that about making money, and start sone that are about the good of country and everyone in it, not just some. That's my opinion anyway."
On this I agree with you. this is why I voted for Trump because he was the first time something different came along. And he claimed at least to be conservative. Time will tell if he was lying. all the other options are just more of the same. Trump getting elected means their is a possibility it will cause a real shake up and some other non-politician may start running for other offices.
See your falling into the trap of thinking when I say something bad about the republicans Im meaning that the democrats would do something different. Im really not. To me the democrats and republicans are comcast and verison. They have the market cornered and dont really need to try. Two sides of the same coin if you will.
You seem to think that socialism is bad yet you are describing communism. My country is largely socialist and we get on just fine. Taxes are high for high earners but we talking millionaires not middle class. Socialism works just fine as long as you have a government thats accountable. Your police forces, fire and military are all socialist structures and all work just fine. So why not healthcare? The prices will fall dramatically once you boot out the insurance companies making massive mark ups on drugs and equipment.
As for how did the republicans crew the troops, hows about blocking or sitting on a number of bills that would have helped the troops? Like:
Wounded Veteran Job Security Act
Veterans Retraining Act
Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act
Veterans Back To Work Act
List goes on, but you get the idea. The disabled vets home improvement act would have cost you, and I mean you specifically, 25 cents more on your taxes. For a country that spends more on its military than the next 25 countries on the list combined its odd that they cant find the money to help the men and women who go to war zones for you, but a nice shiny new rocket is no problem. By the way that list of countries that you out spend, they are all allies. Maybe its time to dial back the constant wars? Im mean Im scared, my country, Scotland has nuclear weapons and oil. Im shocked you havnet come to invade us yet. Im sure the movies 20 plus years from now about what killing us all did the souls of your drone operators would be good though. lol
Honestly I am getting somewhat bored in this argument. You do not know enough about the US to make a reasonable judgement of what socialism would do here, and I don't know enough about the current UK to make a reasonable judgement of why some socialistic practices are working there
But I will say one thing in closing. The bills they blocked were not good bills. You have to look past the titles of the bills to know why they were not good for the country and not even good for most veterans. I am a veteran I was against those bills and was glad when they did not get passed. My suspicion is the Democrats that proposed those bills knew the bills were garbage and would not get passed but they would be able to vilify the republicans for blocking.
That being said, I agree there are problems with both parties. I am not a republican, I typically end up voting republican because I am conservative because of my individual values. But I despise republicans and democrats alike. That is why I thought Trump getting elected would set off a bomb in both parties and force a shake up.
a 75 year old tom cruise looking like hes still in his 50s would play a drone operator who has a crisis of confidence but then found his back, thanks to the love of a young woman, to be the very best drone operator in "top thumb". lol
I liked Oblivion, but it was a forgettable action movie, as was the other one about time traveling - and I can't stand Morgan Freeman anymore since he is all over so many movies.