Guitar King's Posts

Looks really good in 3D Does Isabella Merced strip down to her panties? Hot girl in trailer? A question for those who saw this in 3D Kavinsky performing "Nightcall" was cool Women's rights groups silent about Olympic boxing Lucas SW isn't for Loxists and Black Supremacists... Is Netflix admitting Laverne Cox is a real life villain? So, "Male and Pale ISN'T Stale" after all Haley Mills cast because Trap... Trump vows to protect WOMEN athletes... NBC Chicago:"Drag Queens DAZZLE in display of inclusivity... France begins Olympics with Hate Crime against Christians France begins Olympics with Hate Crime against Christians Remember when Halle DIDN'T accuse critics of racism? "Christian magic treasure hair rope pull" Rottentomatoes now hiding audience score Peter Mensah from "Jason X" and "Spartacas" 2017 Bluray NOT in 3D??? The Supreme Court is out of control!