MovieChat Forums > Sentient Meat > Replies
Sentient Meat's Replies
I would totally support a white supremacist's right to take a knee, to speak at a college, etc.
Our country was founded by patriots who dumped the king's tea into the ocean... how's that for your expression?
You can be disgusted by the behavior and boycott the product... the owners can choose not to hire certain players (though they should be honest about it and not engage in collusion)... but the players have the right to protest period. What's the point of brave men and women like yourself defending a flag for a country that acts like the monarchy we tried to escape?
Our country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and we shouldn't have to bow down to a king. That's how the handshake became popular. We should respect all those who served our country but our country first and foremost represents the principle of freedom of expression and speech. If we lose the ability to perform an action because the President or anyone else thinks it's rude, then we might as well go back to being a monarchy.
The closest one similar is one you've probably seen... Lost in Translation... but I'll post here if I think of one.
The mother was possibly relapsing with her meth issues, but John Cho's and Haley's characters both shared the predicament of having the burden of dealing with parents in two different stages of life. Haley had just begun her life, so he encouraged her to go pursue her dreams, while coming from the perspective of middle age, his former crush (Parker Posey) pushed him to deal with the responsibilities to his father even though he was distant and not really there for him.
Cool film, but I'd only recommend it for people who love art house type films. It's like reading an anti-novel, a lot of the story is found in the negative space between scenes.
Yep, I think it would be way better if it were regulated, screened for disease, etc. I think men would be way less inclined to try get someone drunk, lie, con his way into someone's bed, if he knew it was acceptable to choose a willing partner in a safe environment for a reasonable price. For those that say men would be more likely to cheat, I supposed that's possible but he would be way less likely to come home with a terrible disease. And why would you want to be with someone who only is faithful because of the lack of options or opportunity?
Legalize it, and use the taxes to help pay for education or health insurance.
You think of him as younger because he was so full of life on Soap and Benson but he was already 50 years old when he started that role.
I think people's default is to side with the point of view that they start with in anything.
When you are born you automatically think your family is good... and even something as short as movie, book, video game, television series, you tend to side the whoever is introduced as the protagonist. Hopefully, you have enough independent thought and character that you are able to escape from this and judge each situation on an individual basis.
For example, I thought Bickle was sympathetic, I thought Henry Hill was kind of a weasel, I thought Jordan Belfort (Wolf) was a scumbag, but then Frank Abagnale (different director, but Leo role) was mostly harmless. My point being is that I didn't just accept them as "heroes" because they were the main subject.
Don't remember Casino much anymore where I can comment.
Anyway, I think it's a natural instinct to side with whoever you start with, but I haven't read up on the subject so if you like the idea you should read up on it.
I agree that it is stupid to say there is no God, but it really depends on what one's conception of God is. If you look at God simply as a higher power which we do not fully understand, I would think that makes a lot of sense. However, the more specific you make it, and the more you make it adhere to a flawed mythology transmitted through many generations and iterations of oral tradition, the harder it might be for one to take it as "gospel". One could be cynical and use the approach of Pascal's wager, which is to believe because if certain religions are correct, you will be handsomely rewarded if they are correct and you will lose nothing, other than some pre-death ridicule and tithes if you are wrong.
I tend to leave people to think what they want, unless they are harming someone or trying to scam money from them. Sure one could say the religion is the root of many wars, but one could also argue it saved the world from even more anarchy and chaos. My philosophy is that if it makes people able to cope with the often overwhelming question of existence, then why not let them comfort themselves, even if it ends up only being an illusion.
It's overrated but a good film. I'd recommend it for people with mainstream tastes who like underdog stories. If you like art house type/eclectic type movies only then I wouldn't bother.
Agree that some people take it too far and use it like a weapon, but only 50 years ago it was unthinkable for a woman or a person of color to become President, you were considered a freak of nature if you wore long hair, homosexuals were in danger of imprisonment, tattoos were barriers to any decent employment.
Many people ridicule tree huggers for example, but if California didn't take drastic action against smog in the seventies, our air would be worse than Shanghai or Mexico City.
The key is taking each event case by case, and not trying to ruin people or politicize everything because it goes against your personal interests. But it is also important to recognize what good certain movements have done for people, as it's no longer acceptable to beat children and animals, to date rape women, to treat certain minorities as subhumans.
Ah... if that is your question, then of course. Man is animal by nature, and many people live in subhuman conditions, have mental illness, grow up without any guidance. I thought you meant if we were able to eradicate it completely as a behavioral trait.
It would become amazingly better at first... but then people would get used to the new normal, and then smaller offenses would bother people more. So even though you wouldn't get punched, maybe a fart or bad breath would send you into a frenzy of irritation. This is the problem that racists don't understand. If you got rid of all people of color for example, then brown haired or olive skinned people would annoy the fuck out of someone. Get rid of those, then it would be people with freckles. Don't mean to say the world wouldn't be way better because it would, just meant to say that people will always find something to be unhappy about.
The congress people and football players are all equally whores. The main lesson to be learned is that people who want to succeed in industries where there are very few available positions, will put up with incredible amounts of shit to achieve success in those fields. I sympathize with all the victims who were genuinely wronged, but it is also clear that a lot of powerful people looked the other way, who had no excuse such as a young innocent with no money or reputation. But it also must be said that in the same way you have many Republican congress people who cowardly washed their hands of Trump's bullshit and Democratic congress people who did the same with Hillary, as well as NFL football players and owners who have forgotten why our nation dumped tea into the sea in the first place... it's like the old saying... Power corrupts absolutely and most people don't have the strength to walk away or whistle blow when confronted with losing these coveted positions.
Because of Blue Bloods strong commitment to faith and family values, I'd say they ran out of stuff to do with Linda's character. In your average Grey's Anatomy show, either her or Danny would have had an affair, Jamie would have hooked up with Eddie and Erin wouldn't still be single after seven years... so what can you really do with Linda other than have her faithfully stand by Danny every week? Maybe she wanted more to do as an actress, maybe she wanted more money, maybe there was some sort of tension with Bridget Moynahan who seemed annoyed that she left the show abruptly. It is odd for a fifty year old actress to jump ship without a big role in another series lined up, but who knows?
Thanks for the reply! Hope you are well, too
Thanks for the informative answer!
I was logged out of the site, for awhile so I didn't see the alert.
I thought the characters were good, but that the horror parts didn't make much sense. But that might be a problem of the source material as I never read the book or saw the mini-series.
I don't get posters that start flame wars on a low traffic forum.
It's like if you are dying of thirst in a desert asking for water and then you slap a drink out of someone's hands if they offer you a Diet Coke instead.
Because ended up ditching by the Germans and got captured