Rorikon's Replies

Thx for the response. Few things to note: -There needs to be a sticky function on the boards so you don't have to keep spamming the 'bump' -Would be nice if there was a notification if a post is removed for a user along with stated reasoning behind it. -Wouldn't it be better just to move a post to the correct forum/subforum instead of outright just removing it? I lost count how many times Trump went to Mar-A-Lago and/or did golfing all the while Melania arrives solo by flight. Worst kind of representation by a president. Has there ever been a president where the first lady went solo more than once if at all due to so-called circumstances of affairs? I don't recall from the top of my head. Rest of the world is secretly laughing at how divided Americans are and rightfully so. Even autocratic nations are more in line. From what I can see, the more freedom, the more free things you get to do but the more dumb things that come out of it. That or it's just the American culture in general that's messed up in a sense. Here I thought Japan was fucked up with the tentacles and shit but nope, US seems to be taking the cake here. US citizens hide behind the veil of we're united but deep inside they're totally divided and near the tipping point of the civil war scale but can't have one since the military being the biggest and baddest will just step in to quell it. Also, I believe Trump won't win in 2020 if he runs again. If he does, dems haven't learnt nothing in the last 3-4 years of Trump (since they keep losing in a sense). I would also surmise that MSM won't be doing the same shit they did in the 2016 election where they favored Crooked Hillary at a 78%-98% win ratio. DNC better get their act together and not screw candidates people want (Bernie for example). Too bad they decided to create their own crap SW versions instead of reading some of the cool SW books already out. Oh man, what I would give to see a Thrawn trilogy of sort. I heard the investigation won't even conclude or have some info on it until 2019 in which case it's more or less too late already since it's near 2020 unless it would be used to somehow hinder is 2020 re-election if he wants to run again. They don't realize Pence is worse than Trump just like how they didn't realize Trump would win the presidency. They keep shooting themselves in the foot. [url][/url] DUDE! At least provide the proof. Laughing is nothing. The proof hurts more and is more epic. [url][/url] [url][/url] Yes there is mid-credits and post credit scenes. If you're watching in 3D YOU NEVER NEED TO USE 3D glasses at post credit scenes. All Marvel movies have credit scenes so you should always stay till the very end or ask someone near you if it does since everyone has a smartphone to check online. Maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, but you clearly stated as long it's 'related' to the movie, it's okay. You even said discussion of associated social issues that may animate them are fine. So what was wrong with the video I linked which clearly relates to the movie at hand and how reviewers are reviewing it as such? By that notion, I think Idris Elba could definitely fill the role of a black Englishman blade character. Queen: What did you say before? Lol, I think mods are removing posts if its controversial difference of opinion on the movie. Yeah, seems people are enjoying it because of Andy Serkis being funny in it. The rest of the story people were saying was bland and didn't really establish the characters well enough to be memorable. I wouldn't bother defending either side imo. Clinton's had their shit, Bush had theirs, Obama had theirs, and now Trump's. All the same more or less in the end imo. They all got an agenda. Will be new conspiracy BS on the next president after. [url][/url] Unbiased FACTS Pretty much. It's like action in his real life self while parodying his all time favorite past time movies doing iconic moves he's done in them. It then blurs with him trying to get back into the action biz while real action takes action while filming both actions at the same time. This more or less sums up this show: [url][/url] I enjoyed it as well. I'll be sure to check out the Murder on the Orient Express (1974) version. Kinda funny though. Black Panther as a character is as right wing as it gets. A guy who lives as a warrior king in a hereditary monarchy, in a shut off environment that refuses to connect with the outside world, puts his people and country above everyone and everything else, doesn’t share his natural resources unless it’s for gain, keeps the country’s generations old traditions and keeps his country homogeneous, restricts immigration, while living with extreme luxury as the surrounding countries live in extreme poverty. Funnily enough, when deciding to make a fictional character living in a very wealthy fictional environment where his people are happy, prosperous and independent, they went with a hard right wing nationalist, living in an anti globalist, anti multi culturalist society. If liberals were actually halfway intelligent enough to catch this, they'd probably get their minds blown, since they won't know whether to back him because he's black, or oppose him with the worry of being called racist, because he's a prime example of everything they hate. Switch the races, and they'd catch that in an instant. Yeah I know, RT failed at naming it correctly. Shouldn't said finished instead. Knowing how they'll black it all up with hip hop and rap along with ghet... err I meant black culture, I think this show is going to be somewhat mixed but that's just me. Still going to see it cause, Mahveil. 1 - Same conclusion I came to whenever I see a main black protagonist. They intro them with rap/hip hop using their own demeaning words nigger/nigga etc. Also, are blacks the only race that use the derogatory term of their own race amongst themselves and use 'cracka' which bats no rage from whites? I don't think there's any other colored race out there that does that. Correct me if I am wrong. 2 - I'm still going to see it either way though just to see what all the fuss is about 3 - They like to stick together and gang up on the whitey or in other scenarios, flash rob, gangbang etc. 4 - What shtick are you referring to? 5 - Liberal blacks always think they're oppressed, even successful ones and demand reparations for something they haven't been through (but their ancestors). 6 - Same reason why there is a gender month (gay pride parade) 7 - Don't think they care either way since they don't think like fucked up westerns (then again they have their own fucked up thinking as well) 8 - Source? 9 - No comment. I enjoyed the fight scenes in WW although Areas was generic villain fight it had. Not as bad as Steppenwolf in JL though. 10 - Don't remind me of Moose-lamb Marvel. They should've did the story arc of how she got easily radicalized and became Jihad Marvel instead XD. Either way, I think he's saying it isn't considered rape since she drunkenly or agreeably consented is the point he's trying to make, no? I don't think he was condoning it but that the definition of rape was just thrown around haphazardously (like how idiots misuse or throw around the racist card). Young people do stupid things and women in some general form or another like to date/fuck older men (see it in porn a lot) and shit. She probably changed her story or now regrets saying what she said in the past or something cause of how society will act based on what she wanted as a kid from before. Anyway Polanski is still guilty so what's there to it in all this?