Rorikon's Replies

Nazis also didn't know they were in a fascist cult until they lost the war. Himmler loved the oc-cult. He's both. Bullshits on his accomplishments and lies about anyone that doesn't like him, that's how it works. If he was a patriot, he wouldn't have dodged the draft. Oh no, if shit hits the fan, he'd flee this country to Russia faster than you can say traitor and bring his whole family with him. He's only in it for himself, family, and money hence the immigration of his family. Depends on how she got here. If they left, then it must be bad over there so chances would be slimmer back where they fled from. As for illegal status, that also depends on if they were in line for immigration hearing. The problem was allowing them to stay in here while they await their hearing. Schools need harsher punishment for bullies. I was bullied back in high school as well and it didn't leave a positive lasting impression on my psyche. Sure, it can toughen some people up and turn them into some Chad, but I would believe those are far and few between. Parents were probably bad ones to begin with if their kid/s can be growing up like that. Too true, you get the feeling you want to end it all and not care for those you hurt as well since you become desensitized to the rage that has built up in you. Much easier when you have no criminal history and can just go to your local store and buy a bunch of guns to do so. Only in America. I blame MAGA because this kind of hate and lack of empathy that comes mostly from that end. Just look at Xhiiter or Faux Newz or alt-right influencers. All the evidence is right there at your fingertips then compare it to any other MSM. Who said I don't live in the US? Source? Else #FAKENEWS. You don't even get to see where your taxes go in the first place so how can you care about something you don't know about? You obviously don't care about the rising cost of everyday things that actually affect your pocketbook yet somehow you care about taxpayer money, oh the irony. I'm for deporting criminals but they're actually going further than just hardened criminals, they're going after people committing a misdemeanor. Many foreign nationals, however, enter the country legally every day on valid work or travel visas, and end up overstaying for a variety of reasons. But that’s not a violation of federal criminal law – it’s a civil violation that gets handled in immigration court proceedings. If you enter through a port of entry for asylum status you get put on a hearing waitlist for your turn to be heard in court. I'll agree to that but to bully just her for it? Not her fault. She shouldn't have to take the pain and negative energy from what her parents did. There is no reason why. If they still voted for him after his mediocre firsts term, they knew what they were getting into. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. Congrats to Canada 3-2. McDavid came through in the end. Looks like the boos helps the opposing team and it shows. Tied now 2-2. Canadians just aren't aggressive enough. Keep getting pushed around by Tkachuk brothers. 1-2 US. 1-1 so far. The booing might charge up Canada as it did the US when it was on the opposite turf. I can already hear them booing on Canada and cheering US. I saw Kevin Nealon and Rob Schneider, dunno about the rest. Free speech only applies to the US. There is no law from the UK that guarantees that. No one really wants American values as it's too entertaining enough watching them kill each other off on the constant. Free speech just proves when given to under a low IQ population what it can do to a nation. When you believe everything the Orange Man & Autistic Dork says, a lie becomes the truth. This is twice now (probably more) that you didn't bother doing basic research. This is what happens when you don't hire on merit but medicore. SSA also automatically cuts off at 115 since 2015. Didn't age well. So concerned with her assets yet ignores Trump's assets. How'd Trump gain $100 million on a $400k salary? Idiocracy is real. This is why poor people are poor. They don't know shit about making money. Then plan is to GUT government, doesn't matter the experts or DEI or not. I guess Libertarians will know what it is like to have little government working, lol. It's more amusing to know that a good portion of them will be going to hell, especially the nationalist Christians. Literally ignores all of Jesus's teachings. If there is a God, it'd be hilarious to see them get denied entry after thinking they did all this for him, all the atrocities that is. Pretty sure Christian Nationalists gave plenty answers that God doesn't exist else if it does, it's a malevolent one. I have absolute proof god doesn’t exist. This proof is absolute, but immaterial. You can’t see it or measure it, but it exists. It’s beyond comprehension, and thus you should not even question it. It’s everywhere at all times, you just need to have faith that it’s there and it’s true. It’s as real as any god.