MovieChat Forums > Rorikon > Posts
Rorikon's Posts
Holy crap... that finale...
I don't think many people even got it...
How do rape allegations work?
JFK Assassination Records - 2017
S21E7 One of the best... or just really good
You'd think that having a scope...
Asian Vulcans...
S1E6 Misc.
Those evil zombie window tiles...
Damn the Krill are so retarded...
Emo Ren...
Leading nations US & China.... LAWL
Seth MacFarlane Calls Out Harvey Weinstein Back In 2013
Remember when Elijah Wood exposed Hollywood pedo problem?
What are the odds that those loctusts...
You guys okay?
Doesn't the Federation have self-destruct protocols?
70% of the bridge crew female?
He just loves self-congratulating himself