genplant29's Replies

Very true, Prime. I've stuck with my same username here and on TMDb as when I was on IMDb. No imagination - I know. lol Regarding the TMDb interface, I think it's going to rapidly evolve and improve, as I've noticed a number of people have comment on the popular forums there about it, various adjustments they'd like to see made, that would add a more focused sort of presentation style. Meanwhile, I like that "Like" and "Ignore" have been added there during recent hours. Also noticed that on our individual own home pages that now "Discussions" has been relocated to near top of the list of various options. I totally expect that the presentation style of message boards setup will improve there in the coming days. Every day new tweaks are getting introduced. I really like how on TMDb you can see the constantly updated list of what forum/discussion threads are the latest/current ones getting activity, also that have been newly user-added; it's a great way to spot somewhere you might want to chime in, or a topic that you might not otherwise have thought to be adding some comments to the discussion. Hi, Kia. You mentioned that TMDb didn't add the message boards feature until recently. That's accurate. But, to be more precisely accurate, I've read that they were newly introduced to that site (which TMDb is where I've personally chosen for settling in as "home base") only in recent months - I believe last summer (2016) or thereabouts. The pre-IMDb regular users of that site simply didn't personally use the message boards feature, after it was introduced. It wasn't till "The Great IMDb Debacle of February 2017" that, suddenly, all focus fell on the existing message boards capability there, and newcomers (self included) wishing for improvement/adjustments, etc. Just during the last 24-48 hours, a flurry of users there are proactively making a point to add discussion-starter first posts to various specific-title/person boards areas, to make it clear that "come on it - we're wanting to converse." So while the specific-title/person there were a major ghost town 24-48 hours ago, now there's thousands of posts that have been added across an array of different boards. I'm liking and appreciating Movie Chat, but TMDb is where I've chosen to personally fully settle in, for adding ratings, content, lists, adding title/person-specific message boards posts (the boards over there are now finally starting to get lots of posts added to them), etc. But, I'll also be visiting and enjoying here, off and on. Both sites can happily co-exist, and we use both of them. It's a shame how fractured the film/t.v. loving former IMDb message boards base has now become, as it's anyone's guess where the various people we now or then used to cross paths with now may be, and if we'll ever see some of our favourites of them again, going forward. So far, I haven't seen anyone I've recognized from prior to The Great IMDb Debacle of 2/19-20/2017. Sad. Time for me to go now. If you happen to even take a wander over to TMDb for a brief look-see, I'm there off and on (though won't be any this afternoon). I'll also be visiting here off and on. :) It's been wonderful talking with you nice people. I'm glad I visited here this afternoon. Very nice people. :) Thanks Aleina. Yep: 2016 wasn't the best year ever experienced. That's a year I'll never have many fond memories about, as it was way too much ongoing gloom. Then I wound up in charge of settling the estate of the second sibling who died, and that was a huge nightmare. I meant genplant29 everywhere: IMDb, here, and now also TMDb (The Movie Database) I've always been genplant29 (ditto here, and now also on IMDb, where I've set up main regular "home"). But it was more usually boards for like Silent or Pre-Code or '30s through '40s movies, and stars/actors/actresses thereof, that 90% of my posting ever was done at. The boards annihilation hasn't sat well with me as I had two of my siblings - my closest sibling, and my eldest one - die 6 weeks apart (both from cancer) during 2016, so this is like another loss and void to have to just accept and "deal" with. Were any of you who are right now in here already familiar with each other before the other day, or has everyone met for the first time since then? It feels weird to me that I haven't seen anyone familiar from IMDb since prior to 7p.m. Sunday. I never do the IMDb group message boards - just ever strictly the movie or show or person specific ones. And normally for very old movies. I've never heard of any business or site closing something popular down and not having an immediate replacement at the ready to them promptly fill the void. Yet, in the present situation, they neither explained or gave us anything - didn't even nicely ask everyone to be patient and to please give them a chance to come through. Nope: They act like they don't owe us any either explanation or anything to even appease us for a short while. All they do is give extremely vague hints of something EVENTUALLY good to come. What I thought was disgusting is that I think EVERYONE assumed and expected that the end of message boards wouldn't happen any sooner than midnight US Eastern Time of Sunday night, particularly since, after all, the US is the movies and entertainment capitol of the world. Yet, IMDb closed down the boards at midnight THEIR time (London). I don't know of anyone who expected the plug to get pulled so early - just after 7p.m. Eastern (4p.m. West Coast). That was so not cool. Since Saturday evening, I haven't seen even one familiar IMDb'er that I remember from the "motherland." :( Well, I have seen and interacted a little with just one person who I had "met" just the day prior, but not anyone that I'd ever heard of during anytime prior. It's like everyone got caught up in a whirlwind and blew away. lol I had read that the system was very old school and that IMDb hadn't wanted to continue having to deal with dated technology. They may just want to put an all-new communicating system in place. And, if so, I personally won't be AT ALL surprised if - VOILA! - archived past message boards also then appears somewhere, but maybe only as "Read Only." Maybe some type filtering programming would scan all the old boards content, delete anything determined to not be appropriate (in other words trolling, old links, etc.), and then it be just all the "good stuff" still available somehow. IMDb never has said that they actually destroyed the old message boards content. All they've said was that they closed the boards. Exactly. I suspect it may be some type entirely new system, but, if so, with technology that no doubt can filter out anyone who's not contributing "meaningful" expression. To me that sounds like they'll introduce a new system later this year via which we can "meaningfully" communicate, share, and interact. So, while it likely won't be message boards, it may be something along related type general lines. Here we go. This was IMDb's statement of Sunday early a.m.: "The IMDb message boards were disabled on February 20, 2017. This included the Private Message system. IMDb is passionately committed to providing innovative ways for our hundreds of millions of users to engage and communicate with one another. We will continue to enhance our current offerings and launch new features in 2017 and beyond that will help our customers communicate and express themselves in meaningful ways while leveraging emerging technologies and opportunities." Hmmm: The statement that IMDb posted on their site the other early a.m., that was also there yesterday, is now gone, I see. I posted it elsewhere yesterday somewhere. Lemme see if I can find it. (brb IF I can find it) Yeah: I hear the IMDb has been getting crucified on their Facebook and Twitter pages. Good! :) Judging from the statement that IMDb posted on their site on Sunday early a.m., I get the impression that later this year they plan to trot out some new sort of thing that has the opportunities of the old message boards system, but that has more protections, and is more controlled.