MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


I wouldn't be surprised if they reinstated message boards, but just made people have to pay for them.


So vague, I wonder what they specifically mean by that???
Why disable the boards in the first place when it in that statement sounds like they are changing their minds about people communicating with one another?


Ah, paying for them, right, could be. But why disable them first, why not install payments and let the boards be like they were?


Exactly. I suspect it may be some type entirely new system, but, if so, with technology that no doubt can filter out anyone who's not contributing "meaningful" expression.


I don't really have a good answer for that. To reconfigure them how they like? Maybe they'll make it like a tiered system of payment. Who knows if they would be exactly the same, maybe they'd try to actually improve them as an incentive for customers.

We'll find out.


Right, intriguing possibilities and suggestions. I just think that they should have announced this before shutting down the boards. By doing that people would have known that their solution would be only temporary. If they really aim to actually keep message boards but enabling them to be better than they originally were, they should have said so.


I had read that the system was very old school and that IMDb hadn't wanted to continue having to deal with dated technology. They may just want to put an all-new communicating system in place. And, if so, I personally won't be AT ALL surprised if - VOILA! - archived past message boards also then appears somewhere, but maybe only as "Read Only." Maybe some type filtering programming would scan all the old boards content, delete anything determined to not be appropriate (in other words trolling, old links, etc.), and then it be just all the "good stuff" still available somehow. IMDb never has said that they actually destroyed the old message boards content. All they've said was that they closed the boards.


Since Saturday evening, I haven't seen even one familiar IMDb'er that I remember from the "motherland." :( Well, I have seen and interacted a little with just one person who I had "met" just the day prior, but not anyone that I'd ever heard of during anytime prior. It's like everyone got caught up in a whirlwind and blew away. lol
