darkpast's Replies

reminds me how weak the year has been so far Trainspotting 2 may replace one of those, Logan too low yup Lock him up =) agreed, Michael Rooker was the only good thing in the film its pretty good she knows how to party he committed suicide bad sure overrated by a lot lol, Harvey bootlicker at Tmz is spreading that lie Is it Steve Bannon? yes if using Rotten Tomatoes subtract ten points for starring a female superhero and subtract another 10 points for a woman director so -20 to get real critic score looks like jabba they are all pretty good depending on mood season 1-2 were better i paid for a ticket Its Daniel Clamp [url]http://nypost.com/2015/08/19/that-time-donald-trump-was-parodied-in-gremlins/[/url] sure why not