MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible (1996) Discussion > Still the best MI movie of the series

Still the best MI movie of the series

Ghost protocol and MI3 were good, but this was so stylish. It is a pity its not rated higher.


By far the best in the series. MI3 is my #2. Then part 4 and only then - part 5!

Part 2 sucks big time


I'm re-watching the series and this one doesn't hold up well. It's not bad, but not great either.
This is probably second to last in my list (4, 5, 3, 1, 2). I'll have to confirm this after I re-watch the second movie.


they are all pretty good depending on mood


Let's hope in Cruise's last turn as Ethan they turn him into a villain just like they did Jim Phelps. Cruise plays a villain so well and it would only be fair after all.
