MovieChat Forums > AdamWaldron96-2 > Replies
AdamWaldron96-2's Replies
By the end of Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, there are no children/young adults left, and all the adults are left behind by Freddy, despite this movie wanting to remind us that Freddy killed Lori's mom and Mark's brother somewhere during that time too, which doesn't add up. Also, four years later, Springwood had like a massive open enrollment to not only get the teens in high school, but teens under hypnocil in Westin Hills as well. WTF? If you find this confusing, try doing the timeline for Friday the 13th with this movie in mind.
W.E. got killed by Vilmer, and the Grandfather in this movie, I guess, got up to drag him out of the room off-screen. I say this because W.E.'s dead body is missing throughout the rest of the scenes in that room later on. Darla tries to stop Vilmer from cutting himself, and then starts to hump and grind on the chair while Leatherface spins around with the chainsaw, while Vilmer and Jenny fight over a remote control for a robot leg.
They do live in Oregon, and hopefully more towards California than Washington, so they're probably not worried about snow or cold weather affecting the crops. I don't know if that's how farming in Oregon works or not.
Season 4 picks up where Season 3 left off, so they're continuous. Season 3 starts in late August, or early September, and Season 4 ends sometime before Christmas. Either way, Norman's birthday would have to be either in June, July, or early August. I know I earlier said I can't buy Norman graduating high school at age 20, but at this point, I can see Norman being 19 and graduating high school if his birthday is in either June, July or August. Perhaps Norma started him in preschool late? Maybe he had to go to preschool twice? That's how it was in my case, unfortunately to say.
Winter Dances in High Schools occur sometime between Homecomings and Prom. Prom is usually in May, but Winter ends in mid-late March. I was under the impression that it was Valentine's Day when Season 1 ended, so let's say Season 1 starts one week after the beginning of the second semester of the school year for Norman's Junior year, going from early January to before Valentine's Day 2014, where Norman would be eighteen, not seventeen like Dylan thought.
Season 2 takes place in early summer of 2014, four months after Season 1. Norman is still eighteen, but will turn so sometime after Season 2 ends.
Let's say Norma allowed Norman to take a year off of school to recover from being held captive by Nick Ford, and one year passes between Season 2 and 3. I don't know if any of the dialogue in Season 3 will contradict this, but until such proof is said, one year goes by between Season 2 and Season 3. Norman would be 20, its 2015, and Norman has to finish his Senior year in order to graduate, which he ultimately decides to not do. Season 4 concludes before Christmas of 2015.
So, technically, this can only work if we assume Norman started preschool late, and took a year off of school to recover from the events of Season 2. But again, I could be wrong, and Season 3 is supposed to start only a few months later. If so, the only way this would work is if Norma died in early January of 2015, which wouldn't work since mere days before she died, she was trying to get a Christmas tree, unless weeks occurred between getting the tree and Norma dying.
So either:
1). Norman started preschool late, took a year off of school to recover from season 2, and Norma died before Christmas in 2015.
2). Norman started preschool late, and Norma died after Christmas in early 2015.
Well, if the gravestone is wrong, then Norman is really bad at math, but he would still be under 21 years old, and couldn't get into bars, unless he had a card. If the calendar is wrong, then Norman is not very organized, but I can buy it. I've known people who use calendars from previous and future years to organize events, but only on the numbered days, not by the day of the week themselves. I don't know why they've done and do this, but they do. But still, only a year and a half, maybe two years, have passed since Season 4, so Norman would still be under 21, unless he has a fake ID card. I can buy Dylan being wrong, but what I can't buy is Norman being 19, about 20 years old and still in high school. I graduated at age 19, but I was nowhere near 20, like Norman would be. Norma never mentioned Norman having troubles and being held back, and if he did, Miss Watson, Emma or even Bradley would have asked Norman about this.
So now, I'm going with him using a 2017 planner for no apparent reason, and Norma getting him a fake ID card in order to do so, but still, the gravestones read Norman to have been 20 when Norma died. So no matter how we can try to fix this, its messed up.
I'm still not sure if Rothman and the organization he works under are aliens, but I would have to re-watch the movie again.
Basically, this movie can be seen as an allegory to not only this movie and the previous Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels, but as an allegory to horror films in general that were coming out in the late 80s, early 90s; Hell, probably even to this day.
Rothman can be interpreted to be the producer who comes in every now and then to see how his investment is going.
Vilmer can be seen as the director who is way over his head, and has lost control of everything, even though he is the one in charge.
Darla can be seen as the director's assistant who is attempting to help Vilmer keep things under control, while simultaneously trying to steer things her way and how she wants things done, and she accomplishes this by sleeping with the director.
W.E. can be seen as the pretentious smart-ass second assistant director of the crew who likes to annoy people with his 'education', about how he would run things, which is why he and the first AD, Darla, get into fights. Also, Second Assistant Directors work with the cast a lot, which leads to Leatherface.
Leatherface is the star who is over-top (yelling and screaming), and acts like he's hot shit with his woman outfit, but is really cold piss. Leatherface, the star, gets into a lot of fights with the second assistant director, W.E., which is why W.E. abuses him.
And lastly, we have Jenny, the typical horror movie lone survivor, who in this film acts as the audience. What happens to her happens to us. No matter how hard she tries to leave the movie, the director keeps finding a way to bring her back in. The audience stands up in the end, slaps the director, declares everything to be bullshit, and finally yells at the over-the-top star to sit the fuck down and shut up.
So far into the final season, I'm enjoying it quite well. Part of me is eager and dreading the finale at the same time, eager because everything is coming to a close, and dreading because I kind of don't want it to end the way it will, since I've seen the original movie.
Not to mention Lea Michele and Keke Palmer are doing other roles for other shows. Even if this show did get renewed, the only characters from Season 2 to come back would be Chanel, Libby, Sadie, Brock and Dean Munsch; let's add Grace in there too if Grace was supposed to be the Red Devil at the very end of season 2. Even if it did get renewed, I don't think Grace would come back because the actress went off to college, right? Even if it did get renewed, I doubt Sadie's character would come back, considering the actress's mother and grandmother just died a couple months ago, so that would only leave us with Brock, Munsch, Chanel and Libby. They would need to bring in an entire new cast, and considering how piss poor this season turned out, I don't think anyone wants involved anymore.
Though to be fair, FOX recently has been having trouble figuring what to do with shows like Wayward Pines and The Exorcist. So we could possibly give FOX a benefit of a doubt a little bit I guess. But I also wouldn't be surprised if FOX's decision to not give a definitive answer and not respond to fans, was any different than an ex-girlfriend constantly asking you to reply back to her, only for you to ultimately never give a response back because it's easier to do that than just simply express your reasons why you want nothing to do with her and go through the heartbreak all over again. That example's a little bit much, but I think you people get my point.
If you've seen the teaser for season 3, it implies that the whole world will be ending. Maybe the man told Garvey the world will end on a specific date, which is probably why the man offered the option of just hanging off the bridge right then and there. Maybe Garvey thought the man was bullshitting, but now in Season 3 he will start seeing that he was telling the truth