Filmtenk's Replies

This is a link to a Sean Hannity clip. I do not watch Fox News except for sometimes local affiliates. So Dr No to that. Yup. And if Tom Hanks is going to play a villain, I wish some day soon he would go full psychopath violent, like Albert Brooks in Drive. Yeah it’s a bummer. I don’t see a lot of energy to keep it going. The reddit is dead. Long gun I was talking about Doriangay. Never saw The Beast but it looks really good. I’ll have to check it out. Last I checked it was over 120k. People are rubes. This guy is waiting for Mueller to court him. The sentencing should be strict I don’t think these felons are fearful enough. Sick of people thinking they can get away with this stuff. Appreciate it! I’m long overdue for a rewatch maybe it’s on YouTube. Agreed this movie is classic and great. OP you might like Sahara (1943) if you liked Treasure. I think this guy (Doriangay) is a Troll. We need to stop being suicidal children and feeding him. Last time I watched was when Obama interrupted the broadcast to announce Bin Laden was dead. I guess the question is, will Mike Pence pardon Trump? I’m wondering, if Ford hadn’t pardoned Nixon, would future presidents think twice about doing crime and not act so entitled. If memory serves, at the very end, Gordon switches the line to something like “[batman] is the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” Because Batman took the blame for Harvey Dent’s murder so he went into hiding. Trump is going down. I can’t imagine Manafort and Cohen going away for 8+/- years each without implicating T-dog. When did Manafort and Cohen join the deep state? Trump hater here too. But wasn’t it John Kelly that pushed for her firing? Maybe Trump didn’t necessarily want her fired but he deferred to his chief of staff. Such a badass movie though. Not good to hear. I guess all I can say is he said it himself, owned up to it. At least he didn’t try to lie and cover it up. Just don’t know why anybody would want to be part of the Trump administration. Like if I was at a party and someone I never met said they worked for the Trump Whitehouse, I’d steer clear of that goober. It’s a stain on anyone’s resume. I’d rather clean outhouses for a living it would be a lot less dirty. It’s on CBS All Access. CBS has the rights to TZ but I do not like them choosing to release it on their pay to play streaming service. Also not sure why Peele would choose to put his work on a venue that fewer people will see. They must have offered him a sweet deal. She also listened to LCD Sound System. I’ve never done a hard dive into Led Zeppelin myself, but I know lots of people have. People identify with the lyrics, especially broken addicts like Camille.