Stratego's Replies

A democracy is not the opposite of a republic. There are in fact, democratic republics. I feel the same way about pedophiles and left-wingers... And much of Western-Europe, unfortunately. I'm from Rotterdam. There are many Turks here and many of them support Erdogan. They're basically the extended arm of Ankara, the fifth column inside our country. This has nothing to do with Hollywood, this is about Turkish politics and trolls acting on behalf of Erdogan and his allies. The reason IMDb shut down its message board is because Hollywood can't stand legitimate criticism coming from Joe Schmo. All these celebrities want is to be worshipped. Yes, I have seen the movie, but it's honestly one of the reasons I dislike her. A melodramatic performance plus silly accent, something she would repeat several times in her career. I don't intentionally boycott movies or tv shows, but sometimes I'm so turned off by an actor/actress or the things they say or do, I just have no desire to watch anything they're in. Meryl Streep is one example. I always found her to be a mediocre and overrated actress, but her personality certainly doesn't help. I believe they all have been added to the site since then. Ah yes, Charmed was another one! I loved the first season, the second season was already kind of disappointing and season 3 even more. After that it became unwatchable. Really? That bad? The first season was the best for me and it went a little downhill with every season, but I thought it stayed pretty good. Only the finale was disappointing because it was so rushed. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. I absolutely loved the first three seasons, but after that... Castle. Good god, that last season was so horrendously bad. Honestly, if a show goes on long enough, it just gets worse and worse. These days I have the tendency of just sitting it out till the end when I would've given up a long time ago in the past. The Usual Suspects and The Sixth Sense had huge WTF moments at the end for me. And no, not the melodramatic Tom Cruise-ego trip that's Vanilla Sky. Gotta go with the original, Abre los Ojos. People complained about Pepsi "appropriating protest culture". Good god... There has to be a physical threat for it to be Stockholm syndrome. It's a defense mechanism as a way of survival. But more importantly, Rapunzel doesn't know she's kidnapped, it's not an actual hostage situation. I would rather call her brainwashed. Absolutely! I feel that with later guest stars the episode revolved more around that character than the story itself. But guest stars like Tim Daly were great, one of my favourites, to be honest. I loved the show, but I'm a fan of murder mystery shows anyway. I watched it from the beginning till the end. Tony Shalhoub did a great job, but I do prefer the earlier seasons when it was more about the mystery and character interactions and less about Monk's crazy antics and celebrity guest stars. Well, it's a fictional comedy, so I wasn't too bothered with that. It's just that he started out as simply a little thick and eventually became almost Joey Tribbiani-stupid. I did like the stories about his band The Randy Disher Project, though. He became worse as the show went on, I didn't really like that development. It was a break-up, even Rachel said they had broken up and asked Ross if she could be his girlfriend again. But Rachel admitted that she didn't even want a "break", she regretted saying it, so the difference doesn't really matter, I would say. Ross technically didn't cheat, but even after hearing Mark at the apartment and assuming the worst, he shouldn't have slept with another woman if he really wanted to try getting Rachel back. The Room.