Stratego's Replies

I read your conversation and nothing he said indicated he hates muslims. But you called him a racist (although you meant bigot) because of his first comment and that makes no sense at all. You're just an oversensitive snowflake. Where the hell do you get the idea that the OP hates muslims? Your reasoning is retarded. The other groups aren't exactly known for having terrorists who blow up people because of those sentiments. And I'm not a boy, so your ad hominem is stupid just like the rest of your "argument". Absolutely ridiculous. Beast 1991 all the way. No way in hell. You complained about someone's opinion. Go figure... Hey, you're the one calling people (erroneous) names. That's actually an example of an ad hominem attack. I'm simply asking you to explain yourself. So the OP hates muslims just because he jokes that Bill Nye is the reason for anti-American sentiments in the muslim world? That's just bad reasoning. Bigotry is bad, but calling people names when you have no argument is just alright with you? So acknowledging the existence of muslim bigots is also bigotry? The OP has a bias/resentment against Islam because he ridiculed Western society by joking about muslims hating our guts??? Like I said, there are a lot of bigots in the muslim world who hate the West. They are the ones blowing us up because of that exact reason. New term? Racist is not even an old term to describe such a person. There is a good old-fashioned term called "bigot" for those who are prejudiced against an entire group of people because of their beliefs. I can't say I would describe the OP as a bigot. It's no secret that many folks in the muslim world are not a fan of the West. My bad, I was mixing it up with "discreet". No, Macron CLAIMS to be a centrist, in reality he is allied with the left. And his banker friends, ofcourse. And don't forget about the EU fascists. Welcome to the New World Order... Macron is no different. He's a fascist of the left persuasion. I feel the same way. The early 2000s have a somewhat late 90s vibe, but the rest is, like you say, "one blob of time". By the way, I think you meant to say "distinct" instead of "discrete". Muslims are a race? The Sixth Sense, because of the amazing twist. And I would also say Scream. A great reveal ofcourse, but being 14 years old it was also just such a fun, hip, exciting and suspenseful movie. Maybe just change it to "recent discussions", I'm not really interested in only seeing the most popular discussions. Sure, they are not the same. A republic can be demoratic, oligarchical, tyrannical, theocratical. As long as offices of state, including the head of state, are elected or appointed, rather than inherited (as is the case with a monarchy). I'm not American but as I understand it, the founders of the US were against a direct/pure democracy. But, in theory at least, the US is very much an indirect/representitive democracy as state officials are elected by the people to represent them. So the US is a republic AND a democracy.