Stratego's Replies

You would expect a twist like that nowadays, but not in a movie from the 50s. I think you're way too harsh on him. James Stewart always has that squeaky voice and rather smug attitude, so I don't think you can really hold that against him. Yes, it's true he was a jerk to Grace Kelly several times, but don't forget he was feeling rather down about the future of their relationship. I think he was preparing for it to end. The fact that he had been bound to a wheelchair for several weeks was also getting to him. Sounds interesting. Would it have worked? I don't know. Wow, that was really the plan? Wasn't Falk too ill by then? I mean, I thought he quit doing Columbo because his health was declining? Was he supposed to be on Monk or the other way around? They stopped trying as hard and the result was that it became worse. That's nice if you can watch any episode, but I have real trouble watching those late 90s episodes and the last episode is just unwatchable for me. Well, if you like movies like Friday the 13th, you might enjoy this one as well. Ah, I see. I'm afraid I can't help you any further then. The summary seems kind of similar to your description, but you're sure the movie was not called Nudity Required? Not in the title, though? The problem is that the show went on for too long. In real life, no, they would not stay together, but I think we have to believe they both grew up. I think I already mentioned somewhere on here that I'm female. I'm not really sure. Even Columbo became worse as the series went on. Nudity Required? Talking about 80s slashers, a few days ago I saw the the extended version of My Bloody Valentine on Blu-ray, which is MUCH better than the theatrical version. I really recommend it to everyone who has only seen the censored version. I think it's one of the better made old school slashers from the early 80s. There is no battle. Remini just explained that someone like Moss is not allowed to talk to her and apparently Remini wouldn't feel comfortable forcing her to do so. As for another Kevin Costner movie, you did see No Way Out? Just came across Modern Girls on AMC. Not actually a good movie, but I just wanted to mention something random. I disagree, it's one of the better old school slashers, in my opinion, especially the uncut version. The script and acting are better than most similar movies and the original death scenes are pretty good. I do agree the soundtrack was rather bland, just generic elevator-type of music at times. It could've been more exciting and suspenseful. Well, if he thought her name was Kimberly, he apparently knew nothing about them. Because her name was in fact Clear. Doesn't mean he's death, he just means he'll see them soon on his slab in the mortuary.