Underdog_73's Replies

Did something trigger you, little one? I didn't mean to make you cry. Still not an example of defrauding the government. I have to agree it's a step up from Batman vs. Superman. That one really set the bar low. No. Two more episodes. I'm not optimistic. Definitely a great movie. Even more so now, due to the nostalgia. And your point? She didn't defraud the government as long as she paid for the stamp. None of what you typed has anything to do with defrauding the government. Yes mail fraud is a federal crime. That doesn't mean the government was defrauded. She defrauded USC. And maybe the charity. I'm unsure if you meant to reply to me. Are you claiming the government was defrauded? USC is not the government. Mail fraud does not automatically equate to defrauding the government. Definitely not in this case. The government was not defrauded. Further, the USPS is part of the government, but not run by the government. USPS employees are not federal government employees. I ask again, how did she defraud the government? The topic was Steven Segal. How you came to your conclusion is beyond comprehension He's undeserving. No, you're not the only one who feels everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. She was wrong, but the way she's being crucified is sickening. Completely disproportionate. Jussie Smollet isn't even getting this level of hate, and he deserves much worse. How did she defraud the government? Maybe they are, maybe they're not. I don't remember. That's not the point. You claimed it was the SATs. The majority of kids today don't take the PSATs seriously. Even less so than the SATs. I'm sure she is a moron, since she had to cheat. Again though, not the point. The 1020 was the daughter's PSAT score. Not only are they dumb on the face of it, the story is moronic. No one knew Oliver and Felicity had a daughter? Oliver sent William to the grandparents and never heard from him again??? Neither is even a little realistic, but the William thing is a special kind of stupid. A father wouldn't go find out why his son wasn't returning messages? Even if he never got them. A son wouldn't contact his father and ask why he hasn't called? Beyond moronic. I certainly wouldn't want to do it (if I were a woman), but women have done it for thousands of years. Clearly the definition of irony eludes you. Don't comment if you have nothing of substance to offer or discuss. The "it's only a show" or "don't watch it" replies are juvenile and void of any intelligence whatsoever. Follow your own advice. If you don't like my post, don't reply. You'd be doing us both a favor.