MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Imagine having to give birth in the apoc...

Imagine having to give birth in the apocolypse

With no drugs, no medical equipment, i'd be freaking terrified if i was a chick and got pregnant in the apocalypse. Also like back in Season 3 when Lori brought up the possibility of the baby dying while inside you and turning and tearing through your stomach, so freaking terrifying.

I think i'd take as much precaution as i could when having sex as a woman in the apocalypse.


Having a screaming baby is a big liability in that world as well.


I certainly wouldn't want to do it (if I were a woman), but women have done it for thousands of years.


Right, essentially all of humanity was this way, only changing in the very smallest percentage of human history. Some women chose natural birth today, but I think that's nuts.


Women have been having babies like that for millennium.
It must suck for those with tiny, boyish hips. Those are the types that probably die because a baby literally can't fit through. A C-section is their only hope.


Tbh, I don't think it would be that much of a big deal assuming you had a base like Alexandria/Hilltop etc. Somewhere safe, warm, out of the elements. Of course if there were complications that required a C section or something, then I would be concerned. I guess hold off procreating until you had some kind of medical person in your squad.

Lots of women want to go drug free for the birth so that shouldn't be an issue. Plus, as the US Army found out, pretty much 90% of the drugs out there are good for 15 years past their use by date. So assuming an uncomplicated birth, the most you would have to do would be to deal with the umbilical cord which I guess you could read how to do in a book.

As for the baby dying and tearing it's way out, I feel it would be a struggle for a baby to do that. That is assuming we're dealing with Romero rules as in TWD in which everyone is already infected. Which as much as I'm a fan of Romero, I think is a dumb concept.

Now if you were a Whisperer and you're wandering around with a baby, that is incredibly stupid and can't be sanitary at all. I guess they thought it would be worth the risk of it attracting walkers so they could use it as a Human shield.


I can't imagine even just menstruating in the apocalypse.

Do they running water in any of the communities??
