MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
What a dumb thing to say. There's not even a little truth behind that statement, and definitely zero intelligence.
I agree with you. I'm thinking he's dead, and not coming back.
When did I say I can't stop watching? That statement goes well with your other nonsense.
Clearly comprehension is not something you're blessed with. If you're so devoid of intellect that you can't understand why someone could complain about a show and still watch it, you're not worth the time it takes to reply. If someone watches a show for years and it suddenly takes a turn for the worse, a normal person keeps warltching hoping it'll improve just as suddenly.
If your attention span is so stunted that you cant stick with something during the down times, then your immaturity level fits with your childish and ignorant replies. Ask a grown up to explain it to you.
What a total idiotic, load of crap. There's no logic or explanation behind this ignorant statement. All you did was lump a bunch of characteristics you don't like and throw them together, in a failed attempt to sound intelligent.
Only the most pathetic of dimwits find it necessary to negatively lump together anyone who doesn't agree with them. Worse, the labels you provided are so broad and generic they make no sense and provide no correlation or intelligent comparison.
You failed in your attempt to sound deep, worldly and smart, and succeeded as coming across as an ignorant clown.
If that's what they were told, then job well done!
The CW seems to have a habit of doing things like this, but this time it's overly horrible. I'm guessing, with the addition of Plastic Man, they're going to start adding more second tier characters. I think it failed with Arrow, and it will definitely fail here. I didn't even like it when they did it with Smallville.
Don't even get me started on that main villain. They're clearly going for some type of evil genius feel, but it comes across as a joke.
Such an ignorant brain dead reply. It's the reply of the mentally deficient, and the perpetually useless, who can't think of anything intelligent to say.
Shows have ups and downs, diptard. Only an idiot immediately stops watching a show they've watched for years, because it gets stupid, without giving it a chance to recover. And only an idiot says, "duh, err, but you're still watching, derp, duh...." Are you an idiot? No need to answer, your reply says it all.
That episode was beyond odd. So Rick becomes some old guy that looks like Santa, and they start inventing holidays.
When writers add garbage like that, it forces them to take a specific direction that might not work, and a bigger mess follows.
Sadly, laughing seems to be all we have left.
Same here. I'm finding myself fast forwarding quite a bit.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I imagined the exact same thing about the writers. I also imagined how they most probably feel as if they're doing something ground breaking. I didnt knowbthis level of delusipnal existed. Talk about beating a one-trick-pony to death.
Thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one.
It's the CW formula. They're target audience for every show is the tweenage girl. They had success with it in the past, so now they're using that formula for everything. It's moronic.
[quote]namaGemo 9 months ago
Actually, he didn't kill anyone. They were in medically induced comas.[/quote]
Um, yes he did, and no they weren't.
It was set set in the 18th century, not the 19th century. It was around the mid 1700s. When the movie starts, the narrator says this takes place "some 200 years ago". The movie was made around 1961.
Wow. Seek professional help. There is something seriously wrong with you. You go way beyond the current "overly thin skin" epidemic. Talk about being offended by nothing. And don't try to be a big man taking up the cause for women. You sound like a delusional, pathetic, lonely loser who's never known the touch of a woman.
This movie was great and William Powell was outstanding. He was robbed of the Oscar. Furthermore, he was extremely likeable and he clearly had no problem allowing his wife to be the boss. That was made abundantly clear. If you can't see things realistically, you should stay indoors and away from society. Your entire understanding and perception of the movie couldn't be more wrong.
People like you poison the world. You twist things so severely that nothing is acceptable anymore. Everything is offensive. The really twisted thing is you. What a sad, miserable life you must lead. No one wants to be around you, or hear you, so you spew your idiocy on the internet, hoping someone will listen.
It was made today though. Or loosely remade. Watch American Horror Story: Freak Show. It's season 4 of AHS.
Thanks for the link and reply. I'm really surprised more people didn't have a problem with such a glaring error (IMO).
Thanks for the link. I'm glad I wasn't the only bothered by this.