Underdog_73's Replies

That sad thing is, if the writers read your idea, they'll actually use it.... I couldn't agree more. They don't even follow their own rules for the show. I want it to find its roots again too, but it may be wishful thinking at this point. It goes way beyond unoriginal. They don't even have enough in their toolbox to reach the level of "one trick pony". It's gone from mediocre to almost unbearable. I seriously can't believe you said that. I was going to use the exact same example! I wasn't sure if anyone would get what I was talking about though. All that kid did was snarl and cock his head to the side... Trust me, it couldn't have been more obvious. I honestly never would have thought someone couldn't comprehend what you said. Sadly, you're wasting your breath. [quote]Bubbathegut (2857) an hour ago That was a Chinese parade not American. lolz at fake facts.[/quote] Wow, you're quite the genius. Of course it's not American. That hasn't happened. It's what's Trump wants. It was an example showing what Trump wants to do. Like the US is some regime who has to prove it's might to the world. You're clearly a Trump supporter. Misunderstanding everything around you and yelling "fake fake fake.....". Now you're quoting yourself? That's a new level of ignorance. And if you're unaware of how to maneuver around the shortcomings of the site, then there's truly no hope for you. You really should have figured it out by now, based on the amount of comments you've posted. But no, you simply continue to make a jumbled mess, using quotation marks. If you think I'm going to read through your jumbled mess of different posts, you're mistaken. I told you to use the quote formatting. It's built into the forum for a reason. Barring that, type all you want. I won't read it. Is it simply too hard for you to figure out? [quote]Arghhhh (225) 7 hours ago You can tell from the last season of Game of Thrones where the talent lies. The minute the tv show ran out of book material there has been a big dip in quality and a reliance on the kind of shitty Hollywood cliches it originally did such a good job of avoiding.[/quote] Everything you just said is 100% accurate. So please, tell me, if there are people that recognize this, how does Hollywood keep succeeding, while pumping out the same garbage over and over? I can't comprehend it. The complacency and acceptance of society is frightening. This isn't a situation where the"black and white" argument works. And if you think it is, I feel sorry for anyone who might make a commitment to you. If you feel it's ok to run to another man, or woman, when your significant other let's you down, that's your prerogative. But don't play it off as if you're open to all colors of the rainbow. It's simply a case of moral fiber and the strength of it.... [quote]Catbookss (3404) 2 days ago If that's your feeling and reasoning, then what "other" pedophiles do or don't do has no bearing on what Woody (allegedly) did, either. So it shouldn't matter to you that no one else has stepped forward (that I know of, anyway) to say he sexually molested them as a child. Doesn't mean it can't or won't happen, right? Do you have a reliable source for this? It's contrary to what I've read.[/quote] First, please learn how to use the formatting options. Specifically how to quote someone. Second, I can't even make an ounce of sense regarding anything you just said. What do the acts of unrelated pedophiles have to do with anything?I'm sure you thought you had a point, but you were wrong. I said nothing about others stepping forward, or the lack thereof... As for a "source", have you even read a single article about it? Try it. Start with Moses Farrow and move on from there. [quote][–] Sandman3 (480) 3 days ago Christopher Walken was also on the boat with Wagner and Natalie Wood Natalie Wood comes back from drinking early to the boat Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken were on. What she saw cost her, her life. She found them in bed together. She went hysterical and threatened to tell the world. They would have none of that. Only one way to keep this under wraps. Kill her and make it look like a accident. They got away with murder.[/quote] Not only isn't there an ounce of truth to what you just said, it was never even a fleeting suspicion, let alone a theory. Christopher Walken was Natalie's friend. Robert Wagner didn't even like him. Furthermore, if I remember correctly, they all got back to the boat together. All drunk. You may as well have said aliens killed her. There's the same amount of proof there, as there is in the fallacy you claimed. I do believe Robert Wagner killed her. Either directly or indirectly. He definitely knows exactly what happened. I think Walken and the captain helped him cover it up for fear of damaging their careers, lives, etc.. Whether or not anyone is, or isn't, bisexual has nothing to do with anything. I've always thought Wagner killed her. I never liked him, so I could be biased. That said, they need to let it go. Any conviction now would be based purely on opinion. Too many people go to jail for that. The prosecutors create a believable story and the mindless hurt buys it. This is why so many innocent people get convicted. I'm of the mindset that 1000 guilty people should go free instead of one innocent person going to jail. Maybe that will force prosecutors to use facts alone, and not embellished fables. Like I said though, I think he's guilty, but I don't believe any of the existing evidence should be enough to convicted him. He got away with it. Move on. For whatever reason, you clearly want to believe it's true. You're entitled to your opinion. But it shouldn't be based on your belief that there aren't more examples of mothers that have done this. I don't know how many times it has happened, or who got away with it, but none of that means anything. What other women do, or don't do, has no bearing on what Mia did or didn't do. Even if something has never happened before, it doesn't mean it can't or won't happen. I can honestly say I've never heard of that line of reasoning. Most of her own family don't believe it happened, and believe she's lying. Your example is the minority. I actually think it's better than the original. I don't believe I've ever said that. It's almost like this is how the song was supposed to be performed. This is coming from someone who's always liked the original. How so? It's clear she had a relationship with the guy. She was still married during the 2 years on the run. Weller spent all his time and money looking for her, and she was sleeping with this guy. She's a degenerate. Even running to him for emotional support makes me dislike her now. That was terrible writing. He can't get drunk, but he can be drugged? And I think the only thing that could have topped that cringe fest, was the recurrence of the worst accent that ever passed anyone's lips! In the final minute the entire episode was destroyed. The sad thing is, the writers probably deluded themselves into thinking they created a suspenseful scene that would keep the audience on the edge of their seat for next week. Nope. They failed miserably. Oh, I just groaned when I saw that last scene. Why do the worst characters always resurface? The feeling, even back then, was that Mia brainwashed the kid into believing that. I honestly think she's that vicious and I believe that's what happened. It was thoroughy investigated and there was no evidence it happened. I'm no fan of Woody's and I find him creepy, but if you watch interviews of them, especially from back then, Mia comes across as the unlikeable and dishonest one. She was the textbook example of a jilted, evil, ex-wife. She wanted to hurt him. I can't really blame her for the twisted thing he did, but she took it way too far. She damaged her own kid in her quest for revenge. That makes her an awful person.