MovieChat Forums > Underdog_73 > Replies
Underdog_73's Replies
I remember the iron Spider suit when it first came out, but it did not have any of the gadgets in the movie. I wanna say it just gave him extra arms, but my memory is failing. Things may have changed. This was around the time I found comics becoming no longer enjoyable. It was the time when new writers couldn't come up with good stories, so they just changed everything that existed previously. A cheap gimmick. It was really the clone story that started me down the road of quitting, but I lingered a little longer.
All that said, I'll stand by my initial remark. The suit is ridiculous and it's not based on the majority of the comic. Forty years of simple spandex vs. ten years of nonsense still gives spandex the edge by a huge margin. Based on the comic doesn't simply mean the most recent storyline.
Right. I got it. I agreed with you. It's simply opinion. There is no right or wrong answer, so a debate can't be decided. Even with a third party.
I read the comic for over 10 years, and also read almost all issues of all Spidey titles retroactively, back to their number ones, but you're right, I don't read it anymore. I haven't for at least 15 years. So, for the 40 years of stories I've read, that suit didn't exist.
Are you claiming it exists now? And I'm not speaking of Spider-man 2099 or Miles Morales, or anything other than Peter Parker. Please show me where this suit exists, but don't for a second assume you know what I do or don't read, or what I do or don't know about Spider-Man.
You should also look up the definition of "clearly". You clearly missed the mark on that one.
[quote][–] FilmBuff (353) a few seconds ago
It's a comic book movie, based on a comic book. It isn't meant to be realistic...[/quote]
Replies like this cause an instant yawn. It's a ridiculous argument.
But, that said, please show me where in the comic book Spider-Man has a suit like Iron Man's. He doesn't. So no, it's not based on any part of the comic.
Even the make-up crew from the 1966 Batman series did a better job at hiding The Joker's mustache. And they simply used white face paint!
A full season is 22 episodes. This only got 16. Or was it cut short?
[quote][–] jacob54311 (145) 4 days ago
You've got that backwards. The electoral college causes most of the country to be ignored, while candidates focus on a few key "swing" states.[/quote]
Ironic. You're the one who has it backwards.
[quote][–] DirtyBarry (235) 2 days ago
I Thought Colin Powell would have been a good president.[/quote]
He would have been a great President. Too bad he let the opportunity slip by, and later ruined any shot he had.
It amazes me how many people don't understand the electoral college. Don't they teach it in school anymore? Obsolete? Not even a little bit. It's more relevant now than ever.
If we were simply one nation, without being broken up into individual States, then the poular vote as a whole is fine. We're not that though. We're separate States, and each State regardless of size needs to have an equal say. That's where the electoral college comes in.
Of course there could be exceptions, but by design, whoever wins the popular vote in the State, gets the electoral votes. To over simplify, 50 States are voting for the President, not 350 million separate people. And this is the way it should be. My disgust with the current administration not withstanding....
[quote]I know this is just "argument for argument's sake,"...[/quote]
You're right.
I already gave you 2 examples of television shows that had Jor-El creating Brainiac. You want to verify, learn how to use Google. The other poster had no problem finding the information. I'm not your mommy. I'm not cutting your meat for you.
Yeah, that wasn't the Hulk. I didn't think anyone could ruin the Hulk, but they did it. Especially the twisted need to show Hulk's ass crack. What kind of freak writer fantasized about getting that on film? And the way he acted like a sad goof. It was painful to watch.
[quote]They just reasonably don’t want despicable things such as a racist flag... with racist origins and a great deal of racist supporters... to continue to be glorified.[/quote]
The Rebel Flag had racist origins? I'd love to know how you came to that inaccurate conclusion.
[quote]Nowhere in the comics, animation etc. was there a mention of him being created by him. Where in the hell did you find your information?[/quote]
Nowhere? Really? If you have to ask that, you clearly have no knowledge of the animated series. Like I said, what I know about Brainiac comes from the TV platform, not the comics. The comics have too many versions to keep up with. TV is more recent, whether or not it's the most popular..
That said in the animated series, Brainiac was either built by Jor-El, or other inhabitants of Krypton. He started as a super computer. The origin is almost the same on Smallville. He was built by Jor-El, according to Supergirl.
In any case, that's where I obtained the information. Just because it's information you're unfamiliar with, doesn't make it non-existent.
These may not be the origins you're familiar with, going back to almost 80 years in comics, but these are the origins writers provided more recently, via a platform, more people view.
My initial question was in contrast to the recent origins shown on TV. On a side note, if you'd read all the posts, you'd already have seen I acknowledged I meant to say discovered, but inadvertantly omitted the word, when mentioning the phantom zone.
It's always been my opinion that Hitchcocks biggest weakness was endings. He wasn't that good at them. He's had some great movies, but even his best only had "good" endings. Many of his others had horrible endings. He was a good director who couldn't quite capture the art of the finish.
Yes, discovered the phantom zone. My post was horribly worded. Jor-el discovered the phantom zone. How does the knowledge of it exist in this show?
As for Brainiac, it, being the creation of Jor-el has been the recent most origin in the TV universe. Animated Series, live action (Smallville), etc. The comics also had multiple different origins, including the one you mentioned.
I guess that does and doesn't answer my question. The constant changing story arcs, so drastically, really makes no sense. It's been done so much and so often, it makes no difference which was first.
This is a huge reason I stopped reading and collecting comics.
Without offering any opinion about your conclusion, the calculations are possible and a second hand is not required.
The second hand is irrelevant if the starting point is as soon as the minute hand clicks to the next digit. That would mean the second hand would be on 12 or 00. Its completely possible to know when the time is at 00, without the second hand in this scenario. And since the second hand isn't required for accuracy, the calculations are very possible. Like I said, I offer no opinion on the odds of success.
As for the speedometer, I'm pretty sure it was digital on this Delorean.
It's only possible if they use a photo of someone else.
He's "Unbreakable".
He relented and let the kids have their dance.......... was full of surprises. He was a pretty good pilot himself.....