Popcorn Kernel's Replies

You forgot "Let's promote our tourism business". There is so much filler and recapping that the only way to watch this show is bingeing an old season and skipping ahead to the recap at the end of each episode. I cannot imagine the frustration of watching it in real time, one episode a week, with no fast forward button. But I still keep watching. They better either find some treasure or someone better die trying. she loves it so much she lets it drag on the filthy walmart floors and parking lot and lets people walk on it? that is an odd fetish. Didn't we go down this exact rabbit hole a month or 2 ago? I had to check the time stamp on this thread because it's almost identical to one you posted a while back. In general double standards are bad. In more specific circumstances the goal is FAIR and proportional standards. For example, in boxing you have weight categories. If you let the flyweights fight against the heavyweights then usually, even a really crappy heavyweight would beat a very good flyweight. By having different groups it makes things more fair so each one is competing against someone closer to their size. In a similar vein, a child that commits a crime has a different set of punishments from an adult that commits the same crime. One could say that is a double standard, but more accurately it is a proportional standard. A mentally or physically disabled person sometimes is given more leeway or more help in certain circumstances. They get better parking spots , for example. This is not to make their life easier or better than an able bodied person, it is intended to equalize their situation. They started out with a disadvantage, so accomodations are intended to level the playing field. And your plan to kill everyone that you consider undesirable (or to have cops kill them for you) is still bad. It's a bad idea. It will be a bad idea when you post this next month. Mass murder is not a solution to violence. I want to say " no he shouldn't have peace he should rot in hell"... but he's just dead meat like all his victims. everyone ends up the same when they die. No peace, no hell. Just meat. Hell happens when you are still alive and hopefully he got a full helping. I'm just imagining all the hair clogging the shower drain. or a roach motel they check in but they don't check out! not everyone, just you. Laptop. I really don't like typing on a tiny phone keyboard. Any text-based site like this is much more enjoyable on a laptop (for me). There you go again, just copy/pasting the same reply over and over. I have a great sense of humor, thanks anyway. I am easily able to tell a funny joke from a dumb one, for example. Not always though. Asia and the Islamic world were far ahead for many centuries in history. Europe (Greece and Rome) were the pinnacle for a long time but then there were centuries when Europe lost all their progress and did not regain it until the Renaissance. Dark Ages culture is kind of interesting in it's own right, but I think it is a good lesson on how progress CAN go backwards. We tend to think of history as this continuous upward climb where each generation builds on the knowledge and discoveries of the previous one, and humanity keeps advancing in science and technology and social, etc. But we take a lot of things for granted, we keep assuming that the future will be better and smarter and there is just no guarantee of that. It can go back, we can go downhill too. We can ignore science, we can lose rights that were hard fought for by our grandparents, we can sink back into superstition and scratching in the dirt for survival very quickly. On an individual basis, you often hear that many people are a couple of paychecks away from being homeless. But on the meta scale, it's also true that many civilized countries are just a few elections away from third world banana republics. We can't take things for granted, we have to keep fighting and keep pushing up that hill. If you stop to rest, you will start to slide down it. You just keep posting the same reply over and over, and it's already been debunked. Just what Alabama needs right now.🙄 Harassment is not flattering. Harassment is not 'making a pass'. That's circular logic. Playing the PC card is just a flimsy cover for lame, weak and dumb jokes bombing. I wonder if it's in her contract that she has to come out triumphant? Maybe she does not want to play a victim all the time. Well she was a victim in the first half of most seasons but then she turns it around. It's become so predictable that it kind of removes some suspense from the show. I agree I want some supernatural stuff back! If they did do a frontier show in Montana, I am sure the Indians would be the victims or the good guys, not the villains. But they just better get actual Native American actors for that! That is the biggest thing that causes protests, is white people playing Native American roles. cough*JohnnyDepp*cough Chinese people and women ( actually often young girls) were also terribly victimized in that time period and place. But Deadwood already did it and did such a great job, that I dunno if AHS should tackle it and just be a pale imitation. I love Deadwood. Another thing to consider, is that the show has become very female-led, in terms of main characters. There were just not a lot of women involved in wars in the 1700s or in Gold Rush towns. Pioneers did bring women with them because they planned to stay and settle there, but Gold Rush towns were mostly men who left their families back home (if they had families). They never planned to stay and settle there, they wanted to make some money and then go home. So if they pick one of those periods they will have to figure a way to make meaty roles for all the actresses who appear every season. I read something last night that said they could tie in Roanoke with American Revolution. Um, no. The lost Roanoke colony was from 1585. American revolution was 1776. 200 years apart. Just saying "colonial times" is misleading because America was a colony for a long, long time. Longer than it's been an independent country. I dunno, she doesn't necessarily want to 'cut up' all men but she does not shy away from outright murder either. Can there be such a thing as a 'good cult'?