KutWrite's Replies

I figure he can't perform and they have not Viagra in the Outback. Cute, and would make a great title for a spoof of the film. I'd guess so. One thing impressed me: His - or his stunt double's - athleticism. For its day, I'd give it a 7, but for today, it's way too slow and overacted. How does that refute anything I said? Whose baby she (may be) holding depends on whether Sarno spilled the beans to Chiddick about whose baby Robin had. I first thought you were asking if ROBIN was holding a (real) baby. It was totally silent & unmoving, so I wondered if it was a placebo because the MD bungled the birth, similar to whatever happened in Baltimore. I agree that Francesca would have been impregnated by Jeffers. Chiddick would be in for a surprise! I thought of his character as the older version of his "Frank" in "Thief." If you haven't seen that, do! It's one of so many ways this movie is smart and holds our (my) attention. I agree with this. The "flashback" theory had me for a second, though. He misspelled it. It's "plebe" as in "plebian," from the Latin for commoner. At the US Naval Academy, they use the term derogatorily to refer to first year midshipmen. He misspelled it. It's "plebe" as in "plebian," from the Latin for commoner. I took it as foreshadowing that it was a problem pregnancy, maybe a breech? OK, thanks. As to #5, I think it was a contract killing based on a prior event. Maybe the one where Ray killed the one guy he made dig his own grave, or the one where the guy escaped into the woods (might be the same guy). In any case it was arranged or enabled by Freddie setting up Ray, so there's a motive why Freddie didn't tip-off Ray. In any case, so many great details and fine characters, even the detestable ones. To the great list above, I'd add The Getaway (Steve McQueen version) 52 Pick-Up (Roy Scheider, Ann-Margret, and scary-evil John Glover and Clarence Williams, III) Thief (James Caan) No Country for Old Men The Taking of Pelham 123 (Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw) The Laughing Policeman (also Walter Matthau, plus Bruce Dern) Charley Varrick (Again Matthau, Andrew Robinson, plus a very tough and evil Joe Don Baker) Dirty Harry (you-know-who) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Capricorn One (James Brolin and yes, Elliott Gould (two Streisand suitors!) I took it that the Phillippe character was gay and thus "offended" at the question, which I assume was asked for HIV reasons on the insurance form. I also took it that the fight at the beginning was supposed to distract the "carrot top" PW guy (as listed in the credits) for some kind of kidnapping or similar caper, which failed due to crowd involvement. What about the old "I give up, my leg's broken" trick? The Babylonians perfected that in pre-Biblical times. Anyone who has a question like this check out: www.DoesTheDogDie.com It also goes through other possible triggers in the movies it analyzes. The way I saw it was the dog he half-ass ties to the fence is the one that escapes into the woods and later lies down. As it walks past them, it has no apparent injury. No blood, no limp, etc. The injected dog had visible, debilitating injuries. It's a slim dog, like a Dobie. The escapee is a stocky dog, like maybe a Rottweiler. The credits list two "Main Dogs," so I assume there's at least a third, the "fighting dog" that is NOT sent after the band. As I recall the actor-dogs' names are very non-fighting sounding, like "Winky" and "Fluffy" or something. I looked for their names but couldn't find them. What I concluded: A. Darcy was connected to the cops.That's why they let his huge drug operation slide. B. Cops, even (or maybe especially) the FBI tend to start with a conclusion and collate evidence based on that. Unless there's a political or face-saving motive,they'll take an "open and shut" case that's handed to them like this. Probably a combination of heavy case load and "close enough for government work." So, I believed that at least DARCY believed the ruse would work. And it probably would have. Yes. I guess that "Worm " guy felt she was betraying both the gang and his friend.