Nicko's Nose's Replies

5.8/10 is actually a decent rating for a horror movie. I like most horror movies with ratings around that. Such obvious bait from such an obvious attention whore troll. "how the areola can grow and shrink to such a large degree" Areola reduction surgery. That’s a thing… Unfortunately. Hey look a Trumper who is a total dick! How refreshing! She’s a woman, moron. "suddle" 😆 ^This. Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) Halloween (1978) The Fog (1980) Escape from New York (1981) The Thing (1982) Christine (1983) Starman (1984) Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Prince of Darkness (1987) They Live (1988) Body Bags (1993) In the Mouth of Madness (1994) Village of the Damned (1995) Escape from L.A. (1996) Vampires (1998) Ghosts of Mars (2001) Masters of Horror: -John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns (2005) -Pro-Life (2006) The Ward (2010) You’re the one who implied moral superiority by saying "Perhaps that’s why I treat women like normal people, instead of objects that you inarticulate betas can only talk to on the other side of your porn video" I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy, idiot. Rating them period. That’s not the behavior of a man who doesn’t objectify women. "Perhaps that’s why I treat women like normal people, instead of objects that you inarticulate betas can only talk to on the other side of your porn video" Says the guy who rates women out of 10. How is what he’s doing any more trolling than what you guys do on a daily basis? I don’t think too many "real" women would enjoy a date with you, talking about how fabulous Trump is the whole time. Maybe you should consider moving on with your life at some point? How many socks did you make on that site? 😆 I don’t think too many people would agree with you about Zack and Miri Make a Porno, but I do. Thought it was hilarious. I’d rather be moronic than mentally ill. 🙂