Destinata's Replies

No one knows! Temporary, I agree with everything you said. I'd forgotten this bit: "She committed nine hate crimes against herself to keep a job that she asked to be created then failed to actually do the proper work for and used the self-created hate crimes to hide her work failure." She is a pip! Bobby, I think you have to ask why someone would "identify" as a race that they aren't. I'm so white I'm translucent. If I want to announce that I now "identify" as subcontinental Indian because I like the clothes and culture, that quite frankly means I'm deranged. Now, if I want to dress in Indian clothes every day and be a Hindu, then that's fine. But I wouldn't be asking people to accept me for something I'm obviously not. Where does this "identify with" stuff stop? I identify as a gorgeous, extremely wealthy 20 year old, and I demand you treat me as such. You WILL be attracted to me if you're straight, and you WILL accept my credit cards no matter what your lying eyes tell you about my ability to cover the debt. To do otherwise is to be a bigot, and I will denounce you from the rooftops and curse your name. I think we can agree that's going too far. But where do we draw the line? Where does it go from "accepting how they identify" to feeding someone's delusions. Dolezal is caucasian. For her to think otherwise is pure insanity. Small wonder SJW's backed off supporting her as well as the ACLU. Drat! I like Will Smith and many of the others in this. I was hoping it would be good. I won't make the mistake of watching it! "Trans-racial"? can't transition from one race to the next because you're a self-hating white person, or because you think that you're going to get more advantages being "black." Wearing makeup and getting a perm doesn't qualify as "transitioning." Yes, she could easily sell anyone on her being nuts. A difference of opinions is what makes horse races. I think it's quite a stretch to say that he's even breathing the same air as directorial geniuses. He relies on slow motion too much, as well as gore and F-bombs instead of good writing. He seems to assume the audience is a little dim and easily played. Speaking of dim and easily played, where it comes to sheer genius was the marketing on "The Passion of the Christ." He got Abe Foxman to help sell the movie, and got the media to give him free coverage by saying something outrageous whenever the stories were beginning to die down. Trump got free PR from the MSM the same way. Some people think he's a genius, but Gibson really perfected the gambit. And he showed it was a gambit when Joe Eszterhas tried to pull the same stunt on him to get him to sell his E-book. Gibson wouldn't respond in the press no matter how much Eszterhas baited him. In the end, Gibson is a deeply troubled but very talented man. I haven't seen "Hacksaw Ridge." It seems like it ought to appeal to his two major fanbases -- the religious (but not so religious that they are offended by bad language) and those who like their gore with extra blood. Actually, the right did mind his fascism. It was what's being called the Alt-Right that considered him their darling. There, no one cares that he's gay so long as he keeps saying, "Cuckservative!" and making racist, antisemitic pics to taunt real conservatives like Ben Shapiro. The last straw for all but his Alt-Right goon squad was him singing the praises of older men swooping on young, pubescent boys and saying it could be a positive relationship. There are still some things most decent people won't tolerate. Just ask Carlos Danger. You're dealing with a child...or a grownup with a child's mentality, which is worse. Their post is, "Spoiled it for you." They're proud of it. They're the little brat who kicks over the sand castle because they can't do anything as good. My question wasn't so much how he wouldn't know he was a ghost, but how the heck did he get into Cole's house? I haven't seen it in a while, but when you watch it again you'll see plotholes big enough to swallow a house. It pushes the willing suspension of disbelief pretty hard. I love the fact that you have the emoticons, but unless you're in with the in-crowd, you can be completely ignored. For instance, everyone on one thread was wondering what the difference between polenta and grits were. Folks were settled on the idea that there really wasn't a difference. I point out that not only is polenta yellow and grits are white, but the manufacturing process is totally different. The cooking is even different if you're doing it on top of the stove. It doesn't take 30 minutes to make grits, but for creamy, stovetop polenta, yes. My response was completely ignored. I felt as though they should have said, "Everyone with the secret decoder ring, what's the difference between grits and polenta?" If you're not part of the club, they don't want to hear from you, even if you're the only one who knows the answer. So one of the problems is that y'all are kind of clique-y. Just a little bit. The other problem is that you don't have individual boards for the individual movies and actors/actresses. You can't expect anything other than general talk when you don't have the boards for the individual movies and artists. It's just not set up for discussions like this board is. The up side is that your board claims to have standards for posting, and that people can be blocked for persistently using filthy language or disrespecting others. And you have those wonderful emoticons! Those are both enormous positives, but not enough to bring movie people in, or keep people who aren't deemed one of the "cool kids" when those outside the clique are almost always ignored. Whoever the guy is that put this together had the permission of IMDb and Amazon to archive most of it here. I think you could get a lot of it on this site! Strangely enough, I'm not a liberal. And Milo's not a conservative. No, it's not okay to say that grown men preying on teens is okay, let alone the positive experience Milo was making it out to be. And if he thinks it's alright to do and that he benefited from it, he doesn't have any morals or values that would make him stop in his tracks before he molested some confused child. Nice false dichotomy, but believe it or not, I've never seen any of those "skanks" perform. I travel in circles where the morals and values don't include going for "jailbait" or playing the older man/woman to introduce the budding pubescent to sex. I have been young and stupid, though, eons ago, and thought flirtatious attentions from middle-aged men meant I was special -- rather than just being an indication that they were horny and I was standing nearby. So I know how empty Milo's rationalization of the sex being "consensual" actually is. Had I been confused enough, I might have "consented" to more than flirtation, thinking that made me even more special. "I wonder what roles he turned down, and if they covered a broader range. I know Faye Dunaway wanted him to play the Howard Beele part in NETWORK." He didn't suffer fools gladly, and I hear she was murder to work with. I watched "El Dorado" the other night and was struck by how well he could do physical comedy. He really didn't seem to have any limits to what he could do, and Hollywood only used a fraction of what he had to offer. Miami Vice is awfully good. But I'm stuck on this one, lately: Once the trolls find out you can curse here, they'll descend like locusts. Unless that IMDb2 place is also the gutter. There's a place that has avatars and all of IMDb's emoticons, but it demands you treat people with respect, so it won't attract the usual gutter rats. It takes me back to the fifth grade, where I stumbled upon the boys at recess looking at National Geographics and trying out all their shiny new words so they could sound all macho. I always wondered why they called it "mature language." Here's my heroine: "Do you think Whoopi or Billy would have-HELL NO!They would've made sure that he was NEVER alone with his own thoughts-NEVER any locked doors-and if he tried they would've broke it down, dragged him out and had him laughing remembering the beautiful world he helped create for all of us!" I've been saying this for some time. Of course, you don't literally break doors down, but you do make sure there aren't locks. There was a "documentary" based on the police records of what went on the last night he was alive. I wondered how they would play it, but they got Susan Schneider's actions down perfectly. She had told the police she was in bed reading and had seen Robin come into the bedroom and get out his tablet. She "thought" it was nice that he was showing an interest in reading again. They played it according to her description to the police. It was chilling to watch the actress playing her simply watch him wordlessly. I agree with the writer I quoted -- I'm not interested any anything the woman writes. She's colder than deep space. I'm not fond of Leo, either, but he's a bigger name in Hollywood than Gibson is now, and Gibson would do well to work with him if he wants to. Chris Pine would be an even better choice -- everything he touches turns to gold, it seems. Gibson strikes me as being smart enough to know that he should let bygones be bygones as he tries to climb back into Hollywood's good graces. God doesn't appreciate your irreverence. I was typing an epic post summing up my whole history on the boards. I hit "Post" and got the news that the boards had been taken down on the 20th. Apparently I'd traveled ahead in time. [insert cute little eyerolling emoticon, here]