MovieChat Forums > Virile Manifestation of the Divine > Replies
Virile Manifestation of the Divine's Replies
"Only 8 more episodes"
Huh. This season has seemed so slow to me, I can't believe it'll be over soon.
Hopefully Mary and the BMOL won't make it to 13 cause...
Mick Davies being useless, Claire acting like the rude annoying brat that she is.
Only way the guest star selection could get worse is if they added Mary to the mix.
I also heard it was preempted but no upward adjustment.
I loved the episode (there are so few brother episodes these days) but this entire season deserves a 0.5 in my opinion so I totally get it.
Started from 0.8 now we're here. This isn't Arrow bad yet but if we stay at 0.5...
I'd like for the BMOL alliance to blow up in Mary's face very quickly so she can be shown to be in the wrong and the BMOLs can't be written off the show.
I'd like for the nephilim to live only so Dean can slay it with a fully powered Lance of Michael, True Vessel of Michael-style.
I like as many MOTWs as possible. The lesser mytharc episodes the better. I find them cluttered especially in the later seasons. I liked it better when Sam and Dean didn't need a huge squad to solve every problem but fine, J2 needs time off and I love Crowley and Rowena so I can deal, especially since Rowena adds a magical element which I REALLY enjoy. I'm not crazy about Lucifer still being a thing but as long as Pellegrino is playing him, I'm good. He can stay lol. :)
I posted a thread on the Movie Database forum
There's a thread there specially for IMDb members.
We'll see if some are interested :)
Jensen has some strong genes! I burst into laughter at the sight of the fourth pic, the low one on the right. How many times has Dean made that face on the show lmao. Too funny :D
+ 1
It was so quick and underwhelming too. He deserved a more epic death.
"But the price seems to be their freedom. "
Exactly. They become hired guns. I'm so hoping Dean will tell the BMOLs that he refuses to be their stepford hunting b*tch. * fingers crossed *
"If this is the type of character assassination they had in mind for Mary they should have left her in heaven. Where her poor tortured sons at least had good memories/thoughts of her. The hole is dug so deep for her character I can't see any redemption no matter what she does."
THIS! I don't understand why the writers always have to go so far in making characters unlikable. There's no climbing out of that hole afterward.
"Sam has seen nothing but incompetence to down right horrendous behavour from the BMOL's. I didn't understand his decision at all."
One of the reasons this episode is the worst of the season for me. He basically proves that they're full of hot air and he's better at the job than them but THEY're changing the world. Sam, you and Dean stopped the apocalypse 55 times. THAT's changing the world.
I don't believe the BMOL's plan is going to work. At this point, I'm rooting for the monsters to get together and come light the BMOL base of fire lmao.
"He chooses them/her over Dean? "
Sad to say but this is a recurring problem with Sam.
" If Dabb has Dean agree to go along then the entire season will be a bust for me."
Same for me. I really want Dean to stay out of it. For ONCE, tell everybody to suck it and turn your back on them.
"And I think that surprised Mr. Ketch."
It definitely did. I like Ketch so I didn't mind the Dean and Ketch scene. It's just that if Dean's going to be firmly against the BMOLs, I'd rather he continues to keep his distance :).
Couldn't agree more. I'm also annoyed by the people who are wagging their fingers at those who don't like Mary. That's fandom for ya. It's not going to change anything though. Mary isn't a likable person and no one will stop me from screaming it from the rooftops lol.
Like for example, I loved Charlie, but I have zero problem understanding and accepting the fact that many people didn't. They're entitled to their opinion :)
"It reminded me a lot of S4- and not in a good way."
Me too!!!! Like you I want to hope that Sam and Dean are wiser but I don't think this is going anywhere good. I think Sam aligning himself with the BMOLs is a mistake.
"I am getting so tired of Mary "the best" Winchester hype. Since when?"
Thank you. She's been out of the game since forever and she didn't even hunt as long as Sam and Dean seeing as she semi-retired when she got married and then died a few years later.
"And if she was uber hunter why hadn't anyone heard of her. John worked with every hunter in the US and no one ever crossed paths with Mary? Or had ever heard of her or the Campbells before she was killed. I wish they hadn't re written her history."
She retired a while ago but a legend is a legend. The hunting community still remembers John. Mary, not so much.
"Dean lets Ketch in the Bunker for a bottle of scotch? He's such a cheap date. Especially after the big speech to Sam about picking a side. So what side is Dean on? He saw how psycho Ketch was. Is he still off the BMOL's train"
Good point. I was like, really Dean, go buy yourself a whisky somewhere lol. He didn't like Ketch's methods. I have no idea where he stands but if the shows cares about characterization (lol!), he should still have a problem with the BMOLs. I really want him to stay out of it.
"I suppose is going to drive a wedge between Sam and Dean. Great."
"I mean, he was wearing the "murder shirt" wasn't he?"
When I saw it I went, uh oh... lol
I like Ketch too.
"Brilliant deception and fake to get the bullet and the "replay" by the vamp was cool but for him to just stand there while Sam shot him?"
He was going to die anyway but it didn't make sense that he didn't try to move, do something, anything. He had some good lines. A good actor is a good actor is a good actor. He had like 2 minutes on screen and he delivered. I'll miss him.
"Pierce would have been a tad more believeable if he were a tad more believeable."
He doesn't really seem to be hunter material, you're right :)
Final verdict
"I need to hit something, now."
Exactly how I felt watching this episode. “The Raid” gave us Mary fighting for all the wrong things, Sam deciding to join an organization after having front row seat to how incompetent they could be and Dean opening his door for Scotch like Rufus (who was mentioned in the episode by Pierce) did for some Johnny Walker Blue. Tsk tsk tsk.
On the other hand, Sam was fantastic when he was in hunter mode, proving again, that the hunter toolkit does in fact work, and Dean broke my heart with his words to Stone Cold Mary.
I didn't care for his conversation with Mary at the end. There he goes again, conceding, compromising, while the other person isn't expected to make the slightest adjustment to their behavior. He still snuck in there that he "really, really" didn't like her choice but meh to the entire thing.
As for Mother Dearest, she remains withholding, selfish, and lacking in empathy. She hasn't spent any valuable time being a mother but she can stay in recruiting mode all day. I need space, I'm gone, but I need you for this hunt so everybody shut up and hear my plan, I'm gone again, I'm back, come to this shady base and work for these shady dudes with a shady track record. I'm not just a mom. Get over it. Me, me, me. A good mother cares and heals. All this one has brought so far is heartache and division.
Full review including Best Dean moments, Best Sam moments, Best broments and Best quote here:
Pick a side. Team Low Budget Mission Impossible. Team Scotch... Not!
I usually hate storylines that put the brothers are odds and am desperate for them to be resolved so they can go back to being a team. Of course, I'd love them to be united now but fact is, Sam has picked his side, and it's not Dean's. For once I'd like Dean to be his own island. Time and time again, he's proven that he has very good instincts, and when he's warned people to stay away from something, it usually ended up blowing up in their faces in a spectacular way. I would like for him to let these adults make their choices that are almost guaranteed to end badly for them. An organization that stands by while the world is on the brink of destruction time and time again, and is full with sociopaths and out of touch bureaucrats who think gizmos are superior to actual hunters. What could possibly go wrong here? Resist, Dean. Stay out of it. Unfortunately, I don't think the show will let him. Sammy's now the recruiter. Dean doesn't stand a chance.
Team Scotch Not. Dean gets the "you're a killer" speech, yet again, and somehow, he's the one who stops Ketch when he goes Gordon Walker on the female vampire. When Ketch hauls the hunter off, saying that they have ways to deal with rogues, and that they aren't "pleasant", it's Sam, who should know better, having experienced first hand the non "pleasant" ways in which BMOLs deal with hunters they have a problem with, who echoes Mary's "good" while Dean looks a bit concerned. Once again, Dean is at a distance (an image we've seen several times this season), from Sam and Mary, and all I can say is son, stay on that island. Don't let yourself get roped into this because Team Low Budget Mission Impossible is going nowhere good.
“The Raid” started off at 2.5 and then I had to focus on its structure and on plot advancement to scrounge up a few more points. Still, it's one I would erase from my collection if I actually did things like that. The aggravation is simply not worth it.
Mary's obsession with the BMOLs is downright disturbing at this point. She's like a brainwashed cult member who starts every three sentences with “What the British Men of Letters are doing”. Even when she's pretending to apologize “I messed up”, it's automatically followed by a pitch about the BMOLs. She tells Sam she's not trying to recruit him and immediately proceeds to giving him the grand tour of the BMOL base. Even when the moment doesn't lend itself to it, or demands a different kind of emotion, a bit of understanding, self reflection, some degree of compassion, or God forbid, a motherly touch, she's utterly incapable of breaking out of recruiter mode. Yes, but the BMOL. No, but the BMOL. What about the BMOL. She's like a sheep who's drunk the Kool-Aid and we know how that story ends. I can't take her seriously when she calls the BMOL way, sending hunters to die on faulty intel and completely unraveling in the face of an external attack, the “better way”. Ding dong! Yep, you know it, time for...
Yet another scathing segment on Mother Dearest!
Dean asked Mary how she think it had been for them. Well, my dear, she doesn't think about it. It's all about her, her need for space, how inconvenient this Earth thing is for her, and now her grand, ill-advised plan to work with the shady BMOLs. How you feel about everything, what you need? Not her problem. Mary saying she's not just a mom is laughable. That sentence only makes sense if she had spent any part of her time, actually being a mom. Her first order of business soon after she met her son was to leave and then stay gone. Her child is hurting, right in front of her, and she responds with most self-righteousness and selfishness. It's past the time for him to expect to have a mom and be treated like a child. Her sons have been orphans all their lives. The first thing a decent mother would do when she finds them is sit with them and get to know them. Not bail and then get angry that those boys, broken and endlessly battered by life still have a longing for her because they've reached an arbitrary number of years that should magically rid them of the need to have 'Mamma'.
“I'm doing this for you.”
What a joke. Mary's idea of mothering is leaving her sons behind and running around with strangers. She has time for all those big elaborate hunting plans, but won't stop a minute to truly,truly hear her son. Maybe she wouldn't be so defensive if somewhere deep down she didn't have some idea that she's going about this all wrong. Mary says she wants normal lives for Sam and Dean. How about getting to know them first, see what their lives have truly been like, what they've been through, out of their own mouths instead of from the cold pages of John's Journal. How about making an attempt to understand what they truly want. She's the one who had a problem with her children being raised in the life. She's trying to change their lives based on what she wants for them. Their actual desires are in fact, irrelevant to her. This is still about her. Grand gestures like the one she's “fighting for” are meaningless when she's so disconnected that she's incapable of reaching out to her child from the heart. Everything with her rings hollow. There's no warmth. No soul. No depth. No real significance to anything she does.
“It's not your job to make my lunch and kiss me at night.”
What a crock of cow manure. It's exactly what her job is. Her sons have been without a mother all her life, and this narrative is acting like it's beyond her to take some time getting to know them, mother them a bit, and then go about her business. This is what happens when people are used to have nothing and are constantly denied. They feel guilty for expecting even crumbs that should be their birthright, and of course, Dean, who's always ready to take the responsibility of everything on his shoulders, beat himself up for expecting people to step up and actually show up for him, is letting Mary off the hook for the appalling selfishness she's demonstrated toward him. Sam of course, seems not to take it as personal. Maybe because he doesn't have the same emotional wounds seeing as he actually had someone to take care of him even if it wasn't always easy, someone to look after him and that someone didn't quit even when he got big enough to pass as a giant on the pretext that “we're adults” now. Dean's a better mother than Mary.
We mourn the bad guys who are interesting and played by good actors.
I never mourned Ruby but I'm sad about the Alpha Vamp and will riot if something happens to Crowley.