[email protected]'s Replies

I figured that some of it was filmed at a real golf course. I enjoy those location scenes. Do you happen to know which golf course it was? I'm guessing it was one near L.A. As for Sam's twitch, yeah she did it a lot in this episode! I listened to a radio interview on youtube last month that Elizabeth Montgomery did years ago. The interviewer naturally asked her about the famous twitch! She said that they were looking for something for Sam to do that would indicate that she was doing magic. Bill Asher suggested that she do her little twitch. Actually she wasn't twitching her nose, it was her upper lip that moved. Miss Montgomery said that she had NO idea what he meant. It was a little unconscious move that she did when she was upset or thinking. She wasn't even aware of it. So they incorporated a little facial tic of hers into a series and it became famous. Got no insurance from the government. Got nothing from the government but more tax BILLS! I want nothing from big daddy government except to be left alone and have it keep its fat hands out of my pocketbook! The government does not "give" anything (it TAKES, as in taxing citizens for THEIR work) and anyone as moronic enough to believe that crap, i.e., Hillary voter, deserves the nothing he gets. Scary movie mirrors? I know! I've seen a few shows about Bloody Mary. Say her name in front of a mirror three times while turning around and she is supposed to appear. I've been tempted to do it for fun but I chicken out! Jamie Kennedy's character was just about my favorite from Scream. Randy's death in the next movie was the only one that really made me sad. Losers provide excuses....ha ha, must explain why Barry Sotero, aka Obama, blamed EVERYTHING on his predecessor. That clown couldn't fix a flat tire, yet the left worshipped his eight years of screw ups. And as a "Trumpette" in good standing, one of the main reasons I voted for him was to keep that lying fat a@@ in a pantsuit, that socialist barfbag and her pervert predator "husband"/ beard OUT of the White House! Gee you read my mind! I was considering making a comment on this one. It wasn't a favorite childhood episode, but when I bought season four last year I really started to like this one. Not a golfer myself, but my ex-husband was and I can attest to the fact that Baxter was acting like a normal golfer! ha! Something about the game brings out the childish maniac in people. They throw tantrums, throw clubs, etc. Heaven forbid that you breathe too loud on their backswing. lol MacDonald Carey was great. I remember him from Days of Our Lives. That was a soap my grandmother liked and I used to watch it with her in the summer. But Joan Banks was Eleanor Harris! HOW did I miss that? Fan Magazine Interview was one of my all time favorites of ILL. Margaret Baxter always seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't place where I saw her before. Now I know! One thing puzzled me. In the opening scene Endora put a spell on Darrin to presumably help his game. He was SO enthusiastic when he explained his great performance to Larry that morning. But when he was golfing with Baxter, Sam had to keep twitching to improve his shots. Did Endora take the spell off Darrin without any prompting from Samantha? Sam usually had to plead "Mother!" to get her to take the spell off Darrin. I like the final scene when Darrin tells Sam that he is going to be a professional golfer. But he was just teasing her. He knew all along that Sam was improving his game to teach Joe Baxter a lesson. Nice to see that Baxter was gracious and took his loss well. Endora couldn't tell Sam that mortals were all sore losers! I saw it in the theater but I don't remember the audience reaction. I was so into the movie, I didn't notice what anyone else thought of it. Yeah I love the way the Scream series acknowledges the clichés. The characters know the pitfalls and then FALL right into them. ha! One of my favorites is Randy (Jamie Kennedy) yelling at Jamie Lee Curtis on the TV screen while watching Halloween. He's advising her to "Turn around Jamie! Turn around!" while he should have been doing the same thing. I saw the movie several times, but one night I was watching it alone and that scene struck me. I thought that he SHOULD turn around. Then I thought that I should turn around too! I actually did turn to see if someone was behind me! Those movies can play with your imagination! I love the Scream franchise. But even those characters fell into the trap of the clichés. Remember early in Scream when Sydney thought she was talking to Randy on the phone. She said she didn't watch that sh## because it was always big breasted women running UP the stairs when they should be running OUT the door. "It's insulting", she said. A few minutes later when Sydney is being chased, she does the exact same stupid thing she accused movie characters of doing, running up the stairs! How is Grace Park "Asian"? She was born in L.A. and raised in Canada. Now she plays the Asian card when she wants more money? boo hoo She is a nominally talented actress with average looks. I don't see any Oscars in her future. Just take the frickin' money already. Daniel Dae Kim is somewhat more talented. He rode the wave of Lost popularity onto a role in Hawaii Five-O. I think he'll do okay for himself. But he'd be well advised to remember the acting fates of people like David Caruso whose career tanked after walking off NYPD Blue. Luckily he found success by returning to TV with CSI: Miami. In a weird coincidence, Jimmy Smits shot an arrow through his career by leaving LA Law, only to have success by returning to the small screen on the show Caruso abandoned, NYPD Blue. Well, it's a free country. Actors have a right to ask for more money. They have a right to leave a job that isn't working out for them. But I have ZERO sympathy for these overpaid prima donnas. I live in a town where people struggle to make ends meet. There's virtually no business or industry here. You're lucky if you can FIND a job. As "horrible" as it is for Park and Kim, well too bad. They make more in one episode than most people make in two years. So they are quitting? Aloha, hope Grace Park enjoys her new job at McDonalds. Oh yeah! I remember reading that McLean Stevenson said that he probably got too big for his britches. He thought everybody loved HIM when they actually loved Henry Blake. Thus his later failed number of TV series. I suppose the actors just think they deserve more money, but how much is enough? Don't they realize that most people don't make in one YEAR what they make in an episode? How valuable is it REALLY to play act and pretend you are another person? You aint curing cancer! Take the money and STFU. I would give my right arm to have a high paying job in a beautiful paradise like Hawaii. Of course the working condition would probably "suck". All that beautiful scenery, beaches, gorgeous weather, yeah I'd hold out for more money. MORONS! Yeah, I thought about that, Sam and Endora "didn't always wear their flying suits" after I asked the question. Maybe their flying suits were just for "long distance flights" and not for "short hops". ha! There were scenes of them flying or sitting on the wing of a jet (probably just taking a short break) when they wore their flying suits. Serena never popped in wearing one. But there were so many times when Aunt Clara dropped in and she was always in that black suit. So I got to thinking it was her version of a flying suit. Interesting point about her being "old school". Yes she did her magic in a different way. It was always longer spells or incantations. Sam would very often just snap her fingers or wiggle her nose. Maybe there was no ONE way to perform spells. Witches had different styles. Or maybe it was an age thing. In the Porpoise Milk episode when Darrin goes to buy bat wings and eye of newt, the storekeeper is on the phone ordering supplies. He doesn't want more brooms because the "young witches" don't use them. He tells Darrin that "the witch supply business just aint what it used to be. Today everyone uses those instant spells." Maybe it was a sly wink at frozen TV dinners and other instant foods that were becoming popular. Everyone was doing things fast. But old school witches like Clara relied on longer, old fashioned incantations. Bingo about them being best friends and keeping their ages a secret! As I said before, the Ricardos moved into the Mertz's building over a decade ago. Why would Ethel have been so reticent to admit she was almost thirty? One episode I forgot about is 'Drafted', when Ricky and Fred are going to do a show at Fort Dix. Lucy and Ethel think the fellas were drafted and the guys think they are about to become fathers. Fred mentioned several times about being stationed in France in World War One. Ethel could hardly have been his age if Fred thought she was going to have a baby! Definitely the most "street wise'. He was a survivor. I do think he affected a real "tough guy", criminal image as a defense mechanism. And he was an abused child, obviously both physically and mentally. It didn't seem either parent cared about him. He was the only one not to bring a lunch to detention. Didn't his parents care if he ate? Vernon was angry and frustrated, I get that. But he was so wrong to threaten a student he was responsible for with physical violence. Bender's life was crappy enough. He didn't need the principal threatening him too. Yes, this all started because I typed in Ethel was "decades older" when I should've just typed "some years" older! lol As I child I went along with the idea that Fred and Ethel were closer in age. They dressed her older and several times Lucy referred to them as "an older couple." And who can forget "Real Gone with the Wind" when Lucy said that Ethel was "like a mother" to her. Ethel was boiling mad. LOL It was only when I grew up that I noticed that Vivian Vance looked a lot younger than what I had thought as a child. Since the actresses were roughly the same age, it seemed to me that the whole pretense was to make Lucy seem a lot younger. Of course not everyone "looks" their true age. Remember the Orson Welles episode when Lucy invited her high school drama teacher, Miss Hannah, to New York? Ellen Corby and Lucille Ball were the same age. Lucy did look a lot younger than Miss Hannah. Oh yes, I know Lucy was supposed to be a lot younger than Lucille Ball. In one biography I have of the show, they say that Lucy was supposed to be 29 in the pilot episode which seemed a bit of a stretch to me! Or else the author of thebook got some facts mixed up. Actually the two actresses seemed to age in reverse. Vance got better clothes and hairstyles in season six and looked younger. Lucille Ball's smoking and stress over her crumbling marriage started to make her look older and tired. I especially thought her short hair style in the Lucy/Desi Comedy Hour instantly aged her. Oh yeah, forgot about the car in the courthouse! LOL Also, when Opie found that wallet full of money and no one claimed it, Andy allowed him to spend some of it. The farmer who lost it went to the courthouse. He told Andy that he spoke to his Opie, but it appeared that Opie pretended not to know about the money. Andy was fit to be tied. But actually, Opie went out to return the fishing pole he bought so that he could return the money. Sometimes it seemed like Andy didn't trust his own parenting skills. He raised Opie right, but he didn't seem to know it! Yes it's as much a tradition for me on the fourth of July as watching "24 hours of a Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve. I wish they'd run "24 hours of 1776"! Not my math, so much as my memory! I knew Lucy made up an age hoping to get Ethel to deny it and reveal her true age. But I couldn't remember the age she said. For Ethel to deny 53 as her age and say, "I'm only..." doesn't prove she's under fifty. She could have just been turning fifty. Just denying one number does not prove any other number. As lawyers say, "I object. Calls for speculation." lol I didn't mean to imply that vaudeville "ended suddenly". But from everything I've read, it was dying out (not totally dead!) because most vaudeville theaters were being replace with moving pictures. One article I read said that when the Palace Theater in New York, which was the center of vaudeville, switched over to cinema in late 1932, it signaled "the death knell" of vaudeville. No doubt Fred was older than Ethel by more than a few years! But I do think they were married when they performed in vaudeville. Doubtful that a well bred young lady would be travelling around the country with her male partner and not be married. Remember how Ethel told Fred that "daddy forgave us for eloping." Don't know why I'm going on about vaudeville. It doesn't prove Ethel's age anyway! But I don't get the secretiveness Ethel had about her age either. Not wanting her best friend to know it like it was something shameful is odd. So my math is not so great! lol Originally they did consider Bea Benadaret for the role of Ethel and she was about fifty when ILL premiered. They did envision the Mertzes as an older couple, not a May/December romance. The Mertzes were vaudeville performers. I looked it up and it's said that vaudeville basically ended in 1932. Of course Ethel could have been a very young performer. Yes, regarding Ethel's age, Fred does say, "Let's say it's somewhere between the Speedy Cleaners and Goldblatt's Delicatessen." But he only SAID, "let's say", that's not actual proof that Ethel is between forty and fifty. And consider the number of times Ethel got angry with Fred! If he said something like, "She's was born before Goldblatt's delicatessen (or whichever one was fifty), Fred would have been in a lot of trouble when he got home! I'm thinking he just fudged the numbers. But now that you mention it, I doubt Ethel was supposed to be more than fifty. When they were snowed in, in the Swiss Alps, everyone started baring their souls. Ethel confesses to Fred that when they married, "I wasn't 18, I was 19." And Fred says, "You were 23!" Of course that doesn't help determine Ethel's age because the scripts were all over the place with the number of years they were married. First it was 18, then 25, then back to 22 I think. As far as Lucy "telling the truth", I often had my doubts with her "33, 128 and mousy brown" answer. Okay, I'll go with the hair color! But were they going to put her on a scale or search for her birth certificate? Sometimes I think she gave them "possible" answers. If you want to "go with 41" as Ethel's age, well you can if you want to. But supposedly the Ricardos moved in the building right after they married. That was thirteen years ago. Ethel would've been 28. Why would a woman in her twenties be so secretive about her age to her new friend? Andy Griffith usually played "angry" in a rather low key way. Andy Taylor didn't have a violent temper. He seemed the most genuinely angry when Opie disappointed him. He was very angry at him when Opie entered the track and field events, lost them all and went home to sulk. Andy was upset with Opie's lack of sportsmanship. Andy could also get angry when citizens broke the law, no matter their age. He was very angry in "Opie and the Spoiled Kid" when the kid in question disobeyed Barney and continued to ride his bike on the sidewalk. Andy had to impound the bike. The spoiled kid in question was bratty and Andy looked like he wanted to take the kid "to the woodshed" himself. Sometimes Andy was angry out of frustration when Barney interfered in his personal life a bit too much. Bachelor Barney was an "expert" on women, marriage and raising kids. Sometimes Andy got angry, but not as angry as most men would get! I didn't know Columbia House put out a collection on VHS. I do have the "collector's edition" of episodes from season one. It's 16 episodes in four clamshell boxes. The artwork is pretty and I keep them, like you do, for sentimental reasons. I have one portable TV with a VCR, but it doesn't work too well. I've never seen the first part of 'Ben Franklin' with a laugh track. I wonder who was responsible for the goof? I recall reading that this was the first episode filmed but shown midseason. It was the first episode with the recast Gladys. I got the idea that the show wanted the audience to forget Alice Pearce's portrayal before introducing a new actress. I kind of felt sorry for Sandra Gould stepping into an established role portrayed by someone so talented. I guess she wanted to make the role her own, but in this episode she is a nasty unlikable character. Pearce's Gladys was a nosy pest, but she always seemed to imbue her with a sweetness and a befuddlement. Gould's Gladys had a hard, b#tchy edge to her. There were a few episodes later on where I liked her, but I would definitely NOT open my door to a neighbor with her attitude. I think Samantha showed a lot of restraint!