Popcorngal's Replies

I have seen posts on various movie forums trashing the movie, but I thought it was cute and funny too. I prefer the films to the plays I missed the credits, I did not recognize her, yet thought she looked familiar. Ditto. Last year it happened on Soap Central. I do not have a membership there but years ago, my coworkers would buy the staff the long hot dogs,they were good. I thought Mama's Family was in Missouri or Virginia. Maybe she put her mom through a lot, but her mom was beyond chilly. It doesn't seem her relationship with her husband is "roses and sunshine "either. I noticed she was in a lot of 40's films, what about Percy Kilbride who played "Pa"? Wow all the performers who played the kids are in their 80's and 90's now. Both roles were rare. $5,000 was a fortune back then. However,it is nice change today! I found that odd too. Especially when she did not mention if the burger was grilled, or had sauce on it. Wow, this is bad, but now I have a curiosity about his solo music career. It is kinda sad I waited until his passed. However I do like Brazilian music. His sons had a nice sound back in the day. May he RIP. At 94, my prayers are with his mom. I hope this does not cause her to have a heart attack. He was blessed to see70! I read she made peace with her mom, I am not sure about her sister. Her mom was a vocal coach and opera singer. I never knew that. Your are correct!!! If I may ask, how did your friend die? What kind of job did he have? Are the African characters portrayed in a respectful way? Maybe it is on Youtube. Is the movie good? Same here, I love learning new words as well. I think it means to get on a person's good side when you want them to do something for you. I have heard teens today say " cat's meow", and" bee's knees". As they say what's old is new again ! I know right, I only saw her in two films. But her life is interesting. I never knew she was born with a silver spoon. Here is a cool video about her. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=haGBkh9UENU