Isthisyourhomework's Replies

I thought this too. When they met in the bar she said she knew him from somewhere else. She could not place him, but it turned out she had bummed a light from him at the airport. I'm reading this 11 years after you wrote it. Here's a screenshot for proof. Serendipitous! Their Criterion stuff got moved to Filmstruck, unfortunately. This is my favorite role of his, but he plays a cop: "Larry, just between you and me, we got a very serious problem with the people taking care of the place. They turned out to be completely unreliable assholes." Or a custom-made sock. It is very hard to look at the later pics. I have never watched that last series he was in for that reason. He went down fighting though. How about The Piano, Dead Alive, and Flirting? I never get tired of this movie. It is so sincere. Watching on Hulu right now. I still haven't gotten over Patrick Swayze. Actually Christie. They have nice lines. A fun, frisky use of color. All and all, I'd have to say they're really... NOT BAD! You're welcome! I have a fascination with Indonesian horror so I'll see if I can find this. Others I would recommend (since you said this is your first) are Mystics In Bali, Pengabdi Setan, and anything starring Suzzanna, especially Sundel Bolong. That's really funny! I have patience for an "art film" once or twice a week, so I will probably give it a shot if I can find it. It seems polarizing, which means it's worth a look. I had not heard of Stalker so I looked it up hoping for a synopsis, and had to read through about 10 reviews before I got a sense of what it was about. Must be a challenging film. I had high hopes for this one but was disappointed too. The characters were all extremely unsympathetic. It's particularly hard to feel for a woman who marries a man after meeting him twice and brings him into the lives of her two very young children, especially children who have been through seeing their father go to jail. And everyone's intentions were telegraphed. It is a really shocking movie for the time though. That shrill old lady complaining about how much she hates sex in front of children at a church picnic was the living end. That might be what attracts people, just the amount of risk that was taken. I do intend to read the novel, as others have suggested. It's not a bit funny, and I have a high tolerance for people who need a lot of clarification because I have a high-functioning autistic child who keeps asking questions about things that would seem obvious to most; a lot of people who spend time online seem to be on the spectrum, so I was having what I thought was a serious discussion with him but then he told me that getting offended by the word c**t was culturally insensitive to the British and I knew I'd been trolled. I can't stand those high effort trolls. They discuss something to death with you and then they find what they think is a chink in your armor and start twisting your words. And we especially don't need any more accusations of "isms" in the world today in terms of archaic word definitions/made up microaggressions when there are so many real problems. Yeah, they would take turns, with one account asking for the title and the other one saying The Boat Ride. It was probably the same person. I still don't know what The Boat Ride was a reference to.