thecritic's Replies

The problem is that most people are self-serving. They don't WANT to help victims. So the victim ends up thinking it's their fault. That is where we fail at a society. Also why people mistake manipulative people for being smart. "He was so clever that he got away with that crime." NO. What we SHOULD be saying is "What an a**hole, he got away with it." In the time of trump we are re framing, and redefining what we do. Instead of fixing the problem we just re-label it as ok. 2 + 2 does not equal five, then I'll re-arrange the whole world to MAKE it five. F*** my ego taking a hit. People are getting greedier, more callous, and more narcissistic. There are still good people, but with all this social media and a tough economy it's all about #1. BUT if we were to use our brains, we would see that if we help people in need, then others will help us. When we don't, no one will be there for you, common sense. But people don't get this so victims suffer A LOT. And the evil trash that does this, is not punished and keeps doing it. Also evil is evil. People who do these things don't care at all. No remorse. They are mentally ill, sick, crazy, whatever you wanna call it. Just pure evil really. Of course they will never care. If he is into men pretty sure the twink he is with 24/7 is his bf, Harrison! ;D But yeah he is in shape mostly so I get why people are attracted to him. I feel like this new show is basically recasting. They are trying to jump start careers of the actors. If you look into most of the cast they are failures of other tv shows. Dania Ramirez (Heroes, Devious Maids) Adelaide Kane (Teen Wolf, Reign) Gabrielle Anwar - who is she? LOL all I know is that they put wayy too much make up on her, maybe they WANT to age her? Andrew J. West - Who? And the rest are 100% nobodies of the new cast wow they are deleting my responses, since people can't handle them! this site has really gone to the dogs sad :( Videos game may be one of the biggest plagues on this earth. It creates obese kids. Not only that it creates a very disrespectful culture. 'Gamers' tend to be very aggressive, sexist, anti-social, violent, etc.... Games can be fun to play, but when it takes you to be so immersed in it, it's a problem. Yes I was all about going out and having fun, not wasting time on the old idiot box lol. Not sure where you live but YES I know QUACKS not actual doctors that got hired for how they looked/acted, no joke. Many doctors are quacks with NO credentials. AND MANY people get jobs through connections (father is the boss etc...) Why you see incompetent people everywhere. Also what is called prostitute on the payroll. Hiring someone as your personal prostitute. Yet they never seem to 'work'. Using company money at times to pay them for their 'work'. Maybe I am just in a ghetto/bad area, but where I live just about 99% of people are crooked. Not really, for me i made the best possible decision at the time. And after analyzing it, my life would have gotten effed up ANYWAYS. So I just don't give a sh!t anymore. When you're damned your damned. Why bother trying when the whole world is basically against you? I tired EVERYTHING. And when you still don't make it, the universe is trying to tell you something LOL. Not a religious person, but in the USA it's all about likability. People liked Trump, disliked Hillary for some reason *COUGH*sexism*COUGH* so Trump won. Even tho he is not even qualified for the job and 99% incompetent. I am educated and pretty much OVERQUALIFIED for just about EVERY decent paying job I apply to. Why don't I get them, they don't like the cut of my jib. Amazing. How my whole life is based on my likability. If we based things on qualifications this world would be an actually functioning place! Could not agree more. Don't get what the big deal is about him, his face looks like a foot! LOL And his Sherlock is BS. ugh at least I am not the only one that sees right through him :D Yeah I miss people having common sense and manners. Now they answer a phone in your face. When a phone is more important than a real life human being I lose respect for that person. And you know 99% of the time it's a bs call. Just shooting the breeze, well that is what I was doing with them irl. Sad that people expect us to take a back seat to their phone, as if to say 'well you understand the phone is more important than you' WHAT!? Yeah I had a horrible boss that was like why did you not get back to me. 'my phone died' response was 'you are so irresponsible' yeah the boss is not irresponsible who could of told us this sh!t when we were at work, but just tells us last minute on faulty devices, yeahhhhh ugh Truly common sense has left the world, the less we socialize and let these machines take over the more callous and cruel we get. Since a phone call/text is pretty nameless and faceless. *sigh* I miss the days before cell phones so badly. So happy someone agrees with me! Unlike these cell phone addicted dolts! ;) There is a time and place for everything, but cell phones mess that all up. People talking in restaurants, bath rooms, etc....yikes! Since it shows lack of effort, and no my life is chock full of problems. Just because something ADDITIONALLY bugs me does not mean I live a carefree life LOL Rash knee jerk reaction...... please look to dictatorships around the world and they have similar laws..... i mean maybe this is a troll? LOL Would be lovely if people were to do even 5 minutes of research instead of making CRAZY stuff up like this. What if 5 people live in 1 house. Only ONE of them can be fully protected? Please use what is between your ears. "You lost me at weed... How does weed even relate to guns? You can't do much damage with weed." - Not my fault you are an idiot that can't understand a simple argument. Nah, no one is THAT stupid, you are probably a troll. I guess this site has also gone to the dogs. Damn. Well at least there are a few decent people on here, not you of course LOL I feel like, they can at least empty the plate a bit, near the last lines of dialogue. But I guess they feel like the audience does not notice/care.....we apparently do. it does bug me sometimes, but i ignore it when i can Do you remember the BLISS of answering machines. "Leave a message." AHHHHH. Oh I miss it dearly. "I'm not home leave a message." Ohh you could really unplug. And deal with stuff when you got home. I mean 99% of cell phone calls are pointless and can really wait. Now it's like "Why didn't you answer you phone?" You have 50 missed calls. so many texts....ughhhh you know people do take showers, cell phone batteries run out, they leave their phone in another room...etc...just hate when people EXPECT you to be effing GLUED to your phone ughhhhh Yes people had to *gasp* actually interact with each other..... IRL!!!!! AHHH!!!! the insanity!!!! LOL We also knew what trees looked like. The internet is great tho no offence. Just hate what it is doing to people's social lives. I hate hate hate social media "twitter-i just at a sandwich fb-location fancy restaurant insta-i just took a dump...." no one cares. How about you just live your life. No one cares about the mundane things you do. Before the internet, to find stuff out you had to call people, library, books. Go outside. Just not know stuff. Be more easy going. Go to help desk, office....ahh the good old days. My favorite things was when office people would tell people to go to the website. And they lost their jobs. haha It was cute that they thought they could be glib and keep their jobs. You want to get paid for telling me to go to a website LOL ohh the early 2000's. Oh so you are an internet troll. Who can't defeat my argument so you try to attack my spelling. The rest of your comment is speculation on your part. Not responding any further to you troll. I mean smart people voted for Hilary. Only idiots fell for Trump and his bs lies. Bernie was insane was was making promises he could not keep. Hilary was the only sane choice. She was too smart for this country. Why no one could relate to her. Reminds me of The current PM of Canada. In school he was reasonable and talked about politics that way. He lost the vote to a bunch of dumb kids that wanted everything now. You can search the video on yt. USA is a democracy. Majority wins. Majority of people are stupid, so stupidity wins. Remember in school when people would promise sh!t that they had no pull over. Food served in the cafeteria, for example. Class president, much like the real presidential race is a popularity contest. Look at California Arnold won EVEN tho was was a R. CA is a blue state, no question. And Trump, boy did he insult her over and over. SO DID BERNIE. So I read this and just am yeah sounds about right. Sorta reminds me of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991). Where the Klingons were about to make peace with the Federation. But spoiler alert, some were not ready so they conspired to stop the peace. USA was NOT ready for Hilary sadly. And they effed themselves up. Now we have Trump heading us to WW3 headfirst. Reminds me of a dateline show, a mentally handicapped, mental capacity of a 9 yo, 20 yo guy, molested, raped, and killed a 10 yo girl. But no one suspected him. He held not one, not two, but THREE part time jobs! Yet Hilary that is ivy league educated, with a long list of qualifications, AND won the pop vote can't become president! Even sadder people are STILL making fun of her. When she ran for the dem nominee in 08, people would COME to her rallies and hold up 'iron my shirt' signs. Yeah no sexism at all. Yeah sexism is all in the past. Nope this country is BEHIND. How sad. All well enjoy your destroyer in chief of all your liberties. Damn that article just rambled on and on. I expect more from CNN. But ah well. Yeah another shooting. I wounder why they immediately tried to hunt down some woman? And release HER name and not his, does seem a bit ignorant, but hey cops are involved what can you expect? LOL So from the article maybe he was a mamma's boy. He was worried about his mom, then shot up the place. Reminds me of an arsonist who's mother was being deported so he set fire to a bunch of buildings just cuz mommy was going away. Something like that. Just for fun let's see what other motives there can be: He snapped. Trump nut job that needed to punish the sinners in the city of sin. He really hates country music. It got too hot and his brain fried. He could not get laid. He was bullied/molested as a child. He was gay and just figured it out. Multiple personalities. Mental disorder. He wanted to be famous. He wanted to break the record for most killed in a shooting. Inside job for gun grab. He wanted death by poliece. He did not like the direction country music was headed. He wanted to kill someone in the crowd then got carried away. He went off his meds. Break up/divorce. He planned this his whole life and made his dreams come finally true. (That is extreme premeditation have that many rounds and sh!t lol) Let's see what story the media goes with.