lennonforever's Replies

And red hot anger at his mother, even wielding a big knife her way! Yes indeed Agreed ! Nothing like Phantasm at all. Absolutely stunning comeback to the bully !! Yes very good and very different . Both Records and Lloyd were very good. Oh that episode and Stanley’s response makes me cringe! I actually can feel the embarrassment felt by Michael! What a scene. I suppose , but even after Pam sees her and tells the pregnant Karen that she and Jim are engaged, Karen is still visibly disturbed . Just cannot stand her. Yes I dislike her post marriage ! She is practically insufferable . High and mighty , shrill , bossy. I agree with the OP, she seems like a battered woman with Roy , or at least, I think she would likely have been had she married him. For sure , but I just wished Jim would have said to her “ kiss my a$$!”. Hate her, and love when she is disturbed when Jim tells her everything with him and Pam is great! Haha she gets owned ! Maybe he was great in Stanford but when Pam is first pregnant , she and Andy state they had to go out on sales calls because they are the least productive salespeople . When she and Andy pretend to be a couple and he kisses her belly. 🤣 Probably right - Jim’s brothers are pranksters too, so yeah, Jim is the instigator For me, Pam became rather unlikeable after her marriage to Jim. She sort of lost her sweetness. Jim became hen- pecked after that too. I don’t understand ? So it wasn’t really outdoors ? Even the dump site with Michael and Dwight was not real? Yes for sure but since Michael is a big baby - he overreacts to anything Toby has to say 🤣 Yes I know that. And in an early episode Michael identifies himself as corporate also. Therefore , it’s ironic that Michael loathes Toby because of it 😅 Well, I now know why- he says “Toby is corporate “ but it’s such a riot because Michael is corporate as middle management! It’s true but just as in Seinfeld , these characters work well as a unit! They all deserve each other and their eccentricities , if you can call them that.🙄 Creed has to have the WORST moment as he implies he has taken “ Creed Bratton’s “identity. We are not quite sure if he murdered him or not? He is a riot !! Oh I have to disagree . I find “ Jim and Pam’s story” to be so sweet . It is done so organically IMO. I cannot wait , each and every time, when that blasted “Karen” leaves the picture! Her smarminess and competitiveness with Pam disturbs me. Oh , yes, hopefully he was fired. Although , “Jo” may gave thought him , “a real hunk of a man”. She fawned over Jim enough🙄 I agree but remember Miner didn’t get canned . He was at the company picnic playing volleyball. He was an ass to Jim,there, too.