MovieChat Forums > lennonforever > Replies
lennonforever's Replies
I agree completely with your assessment.
The acting was very good , the story compelling. I enjoyed the eras explored , the music. But it felt as incomplete snippets of each of these characters’ lives, disjointed from the whole. The story tried to weave the connection between characters but it was choppy.
it would seem so
I agree with your assessment.
Agree completely, I wish we hadn’t found out till later.
I really liked it. I didn’t know it was iPhone filmed until after I watched .
Not tape in my estimation. It was a business relationship.
Yep that’s the word!
I agree , it’s a love it or hate it film.
I really couldn’t take the animal scenes. They are heartbreaking because I think they are real.
Oh I love my Michael❤️❤️❤️
Yes indeed !
I really liked this little movie. It boggles my mind that it was mostly three guys in a car ! But it really held my interest . Yes, the ending was a bit sappy, but my heart swelled with the possibility of alien contact❤️
Well, it was just ok. I figured out the “twist” half way while talk of the mother’s death was mentioned. It wasn’t a bad little movie.
She loves her husband so much , she is willing to “ negate” her own person to please him! Of course, she did what she could to live up to her witchy self.
In today’s world , she’d say “ later pal” to anyone who would stifle her true self.
Me too !!
Faking it - he’s a sociopath
Meh IDK I can’t see her doing a good job. I really dislike her . I never liked her character in Big Bang.
These two are cry babies and malingerers! We are supposed to feel boo hoo for her?
She thinks she will get sympathy Yea from the no bodies in Hollywood. But for us, the real people , “” oh please “🙄