MovieChat Forums > Prince Harry Discussion > All this is Harry's revenge for being il...

All this is Harry's revenge for being illegitimate.

Harry hates the Royals because while nobody admits it, everyone knows he is actually the son of that cavalry officer whose job was to keep Diana "well mounted" in the 80s. I'm sure the Queen, Prince Charles, et al. made him feel this during his youth and childhood. His marriage to a volatile b-movie actress and his severance with the Royal Family are all acts of revenge.






People need to stop with this. He actually looks very similar to Philip and the red hair comes from Diana's side of the family, just look at her brother. What Harry is upset about is that the monarchy will be downsized under Charles and William, which means a smaller role and less money, titles and privileges for him and his family.


Multi-Millionaire living in America whines about not getting money from the British public.


I think he looks very handsome and Meghan looks very pretty.


I agree GTFO!


Who the hell cares!! Why don't' you just move to England so its easier to lick their asses, if you care this much...


Such language! Do you lick your mom's ass with that mouth?


No. But I have licked your mom's.... it was ok


LOL @you she's been dead for 20 years.




It is beyond me how people still come up with this bullshit. He is the spitting image of Charles in this picture with a strong element of Philip as someone already mentioned.


More like it's Harry's revenge for the loss of his mother at a terribly vulnerable age. My guess is that he isn't Hewitt's son, he looks to much like his paternal grandfather, but I haven't seen any DNA tests (but I bet Charles has).

People love to slam Meghan, and I admit I've done so myself because it's fun, but really - all this ridiculous tempest in a teapot is Harry's idea. He wanted out of the royal family, he married a woman who promised she could support him in the style to which he felt entitled by using social media and cashing in on their fame, and if she's made a spectacle of herself it's all in his interests as well as her own. He really is dreadful, a spoiled twat who's angry because he's not more spoiled.
