MovieChat Forums > batman6 > Replies
batman6's Replies
Couldn't her mum try bullwhipping her?
Most teenagers need to be bullwhipped.
Claire needed bullwhipping.
Bullwhip them all.
Dark Knight trilogy.
Both Lori and Katie need bullwhipping.
BMV isn't punishment enough. She needs to be bullwhipped.
And bipolar disorder should be punished with a bullwhipping.
She's a brat.
Hopefully, she ends up in Hell being forced to bullwhip herself for all eternity for being such a brat.
So you think Claire should be made a slave?
[Oh come on, you do seem to at least like the idea of whipping people. It's your calling card. Own it. Now is your moment for recognition.]
Lots of people do. Hell, there's a guy on the Logan board who wants to whip the X23 children. And another poster who is also fairly keen as long as you don't do it to anyone who's black.
And would like to tell me who this competition is?
Who's that?
Doesn't mention me at all. Who's the troll, anyway?
Okay, but I still don't know what you mean.
My own page?
Make them bullwhip themselves. Gail had the right idea.