CoriSCapnSkip's Replies

So far I am on three others and do wish several which are good in one way or another would all combine into one great one. I haven't even had time to go on this one discussing the alternatives. The PWC accountants have not been fired from the firm but are permanently barred from working the Oscars. Whether the Academy will continue to employ the firm to process and guard Oscar results is under review. That's what I want to see. Jim needs to get a gazillion bucks, so he can afford to pay us to transcribe all that information! So, is this script or extension still up and are people using it, or not? I didn't try it, but I DID find something creepy! I have been to IMDb only three times, to check information not readily available elsewhere, and those three subjects show up as "Recently Viewed" at the bottom of the page. It is STILL SPYING ON OUR EVERY MOVE, although I am NOT LOGGED IN! So there are different theories as to whether the PWC Official was just goofing off, taking selfies and tweeting celebrity sightings, or whether it was a deliberate ratings stunt on the part of the Academy and unclear who all was in on it. My mom watches 10 or 12 hours a day and lately I have caught several wonderful films there. I am intoxicated with the nectar of sweet victory over IMDb. I want it all! Roscoe Arbuckle was an innocent person tried and convicted in the court of public opinion mostly because Hollywood was reviled as degenerate. After three trials he was acquitted, but died before he could revive his career. His is one of the names wrongly smeared on the pages of history. Like the supposed assassin of Louisiana politician Huey Long. Not. Long's own bodyguards shot him and killed the (then) unarmed man who was framed afterwards (by planting his own gun on him which was a different caliber than any of the bullets which struck Long). Ditto Tom Dooley. He was involved in a situation he shouldn't have been, resulting in a murder, but Dooley almost certainly took the rap for the guilty party. Someone wrote a song in the form of a confession by Dooley (who adamantly denied guilt to the last moment), 90 years later the Kingston Trio had a megahit with it, the Folk movement was born, and the rest was history, in which often the best remembered stories are those which did not happen. Could we possibly have Off Topic forums for Gardening and Pets and post about our interests in those things there? I am touched and humbled, very deeply humbled. Some yes, some no. Woody Da Puddy (as in, "I t'ot I saw a Puddy Tat,") common name = Woody George Curious Shields, common name = George or Georgie Ting. That was her whole name, common name Tingy and numerous nicknames! Captain Dandelion. When I wrote to Ray Bradbury that Captain's second name was for "Dandelion Wine," he wrote back, "Best to Dandelion McCat!" so he became Captain Dandelion McCat, common name = Captain Skipper. Only name Skipper. Buster Kitten, common name = Buster Posted the following as many times on Internet Movie Database's timeline as I could before being blocked from posting public comments (the notice implied anywhere on Facebook, but this one to my own timeline went through). The first item there was indeed four days old. As I went down the posts some were actually more recent but I had already written this and it wasn't worth changing. Anyone? Wishing to start original threads on Oscar nominees, winners and non-winners, engage in interactive conversation on Academy Awards Ceremony events as they happen, or discuss other movie and TV topics of your choice? Tired of having to reply to unrelated items, the most recent being four days old? This site archived all the posts Internet Movie Database cruelly and callously discarded. Both it and have individual boards for films and actors on which to post without having your contributions lost in a tidal wave of social media slush. does not yet have individual movie and actor boards, but is an intelligently planned, professionally constructed movie discussion forum with many great features. Any of these, or numerous other alternatives, beat the stuffing out of any sad tired little blurbs attempted by the has-been Internet Movie Database! #DIEIMDbDIE #SHAMEONIMDb! #IMDbChokeonBrokenGlass It still has a lot of things this site doesn't, such as ratings. Hopefully this site will catch up and eventually eliminate either need or temptation to view the evil site. So far I have this site, three other alternatives, and a site for reviewing and deciding on alternatives bookmarked, so no danger of accidentally going to IMDb. Can't bear to look. The only reason I would go there is to save content to preserve after they die, and so far have other objectives. I do spam their Facebook page as much as I can manage. Nice work there, but I don't know. The only reason I would want to visit any page on their stupid site is to leave a rating and since we all deleted our accounts any rating we left wouldn't show up or count so I think we should only visit to archive content and troll them with poor reviews and leave 1-star ratings to hurt their most lucrative properties, under false usernames of course. I would rather see individual movie pages connect to boards here and continue to improve this site or if necessary see content moved from here to a site built with more sophisticated software, than to go back to the accursed site which should be left to wither and die. If we do have reasons to go there, would we have to be logged into an account there to use the connected boards? Also, is there a way to block any indication of our presence so they receive no credit for any traffic from us? The sooner they choke and croak the better. Technology eternally moves more swiftly than laws covering its use. My IMDb username was cmashieldscapting, which are my initials, my last name, the first part of the name of the cat I then had, Captain, named after the fox in the book and movie(s) of "The Secret Garden" (mostly the 1949 movie as Dean Stockwell is a favorite actor), and my previous cat, Ting, so named by her owner before me which I never changed. When I got another cat, Skipper, I started using CoriSCapnSkip, but did not bother changing my IMDb name. Captain passed away over 6 years ago and I have another cat, Buster Kitten, (named after Buster Keaton obviously), but since I can't think of a good combination of Skipper and Buster think I will just stick with this one indefinitely. Captain had a first, middle, and last name, and Buster has a first and last name, but Skipper has always just been Skipper. I kinda wanted to name the next cat Little Buddy but Buster won out. If we get signature lines on a board including our old posts, I guess I'll put my original name in my signature line so people will know the posts are from the same person. I feel happier at a board where the old posts are archived and so far this is the only one. Jim is my hero, the thought of whom causes me to overflow in copious weeping. Thanks to all who complimented my rant, which was one of my finer efforts.