MovieChat Forums > SWLinPHX > Replies
SWLinPHX's Replies
"Did we leave anything out? If so, please tell me."
Yes, you can no longer call people with Down Syndrome "mongoloid", which used to be the known term and what I thought it was called long before I heard of Down Syndrome.
The term mongol, or Mongoloid, was adopted in the late 19th century to refer to a person with Down syndrome, owing to the similarity of some of the physical symptoms of the disorder with the normal facial characteristics of eastern Asian people. The syndrome itself was thus called mongolism. In modern English, this use of mongol (and related forms) is unacceptable and is considered offensive. In scientific, as well as in most general contexts, mongolism has been replaced by the term Down syndrome (first recorded in the early 1960s).
Yes, I didn't realize the accountant was going to end up basically being a superhero.
Literally, she had the same puzzle framed on the wall that she had found the last missing piece for Christian as a child.
Who's "MaryBeth"??
There really is NOTHING like a universal Bible of the movie/TV industry where all was archived and every single actor, character, feature film, TV movie, TV series, foreign, crew member, etc., etc., etc. had their own message board on which people could comment. Still unbelievable what they destroyed.
I think this site is most like the old IMDb in format and like it. However, when it comes to TV there are far more active sites. The forums for this show example are bustling at I have been using both these two sites when it comes to TV series and mostly just this for movies.
Yes, they should have kept Luke as gay and hot for Vincent (as when eyeing him in the pool scene). That would have been a better twist and more believable too. Wentworth Miller, the actor portraying Luke, is gay in real life.
It is in men's nature to have multiple sex partners. Period. Monogamy is unnatural. They can do it but it goes against their nature and really shouldn't be expected of them or you'll just be disappointed. Sorry to say, but true.
They should have kept Luke as gay and hot for Vincent (as when eyeing him in the pool scene). That would have been a better twist and more believable too. Wentworth Miller, the actor portraying Luke, is gay in real life.
They should have kept Luke as gay and hot for Vincent as they insinuated (as when eyeing him in the pool scene). That would have been a better twist and more believable too. Wentworth Miller, the actor portraying Luke, is gay in real life.
Yes, they should have kept Luke as gay and hot for Vincent (as when eyeing him in the pool scene). That would have been a better twist and more believable too. Wentworth Miller, the actor portraying Luke, is gay in real life.
His character was 180º from what he plays on Modern Family. In fact, it is Wentworth Miller's character Luke who is gay in real life.
The painted Vincent as the hottie due to the skinny dipping scene.
I would have more easily bought the storyline premise that he was secretly hot for Vincent (as when he watched him strip at the request of Sarah at the pool). Isn't the actor Wentworth Miller gay in real life?
But the red herring here was indeed to make it seem like Luke (Miller's character) was indeed gay and hot for Vincent (the original loft owner). I think they should have kept it that way to be honest. It would have been more interesting.
Darn, I wish the above message hadn't been deleted by the poster. I'm dying to know what they wrote 47 years ago.
You mean like THIS board because it has e-mail notification? Are you referring to IMDb or TMDb as the "that other board". Confused. It's good to know where people end up settling and which board becomes the default favorite, strongest and most popular now.
• Why or how is a Vietnamese kid who speaks perfect English a Soviet spy? Was he born in the U.S. or Russia or Vietnam... or what? Don't give me he is really a Vietnamese Russian with perfect American English at his age.
• How is Phillip going to communicate with Mischa? They not only have no Russian accent but hardly ever spoke Russian. I don't think Rhys's Russian will be as good as his American accent. To be honest, their lack of even a word of Russian all this time (even in private) was always made it a bit less believable).
• How did Gabriel know where William's body was buried? Where'd they get a map to pinpoint the spot and why would it be so easy to get? William doesn't work there so they have no inside contact anymore.
• When's the last time you saw a scene with no dialogue (and repetitive, time-lapses action) take up so much damn screen time?!?
• Poor Hans! He was so loyal. That killing reminded me of how they killed Nina -- and that Elizabeth truly is cold as ice.
English is the world's FIRST (universal) language, not second. What did you think was first?
What everyone else said AND the fact that he closed the door. Also, even if they were only 50% suspicious they could have apologized if they were wrong -- but they weren't. Good call on their part.