The Forever War?

What a bait and switch. Since I didn't know anything about this movie before watching it I thought it was an adaptation of the military scifi novel "The Forever War" and was looking forward to it because I don't really want to read the novel, as fascinating as it sounds.

The book is about soldiers fighting a war against aliens many light years from earth, and each time they travel to the alien star system they experience time dilation, such that upon returning to Earth centuries have gone by and they struggle to fit in. That premise - military, war, aliens, time travel - is kind of similar to this movie.

As much as I enjoyed this movie, plot holes and all, this a blatant rip off of that novel without crediting the original author. Ridley Scott was supposed to be making film adaptation of it, but now because of this rip off (even the title is similar!) I doubt he will continue. Bah.


Why did you think it was an adaptation of The Forever War? If it was because they both had War in the title, that is just sad. If you've read the book, one look at this trailer will tell you it 100% was not.


That's because I read about The Forever War on Wikipedia a few years ago and forgot the title, then when I saw this movie was released I thought that erroneously remembered the book title being "The Tomorrow War."


Lol that doesn't make it a Bait and Switch! The movie never marketed itself as having anything to do with the forever war, nor does the Trailer make it seem as such. The titles are just quasi similar.

If I download Naked Lunch knowing nothing about it and fully expecting Porn, it's not David Cronenberg's fault when I see a bunch of creepy bug creatures!


I thought this movie was a rip-off of Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow. That's because I once read Edge of Tomorrow on Wikipedia a few years ago and forgot the title, then when I saw this movie was released, I erroneously remembered the book title being "Edge of Tomorrow." Bait and switch! LOL!


Edit the film Passengers into this movie. And you can have a film about Forever War.


Not sure why you think this movie is a ‘blatant rip-off’ of Forever War. From what you describe, the plots are completely different.


I don't think it is at all. I just read the synopsis for The Forever War on Wikipedia. It sounds good .. which is one reason this is not a rip-off ... The Tomorrow War stunk. Here is a short excerpt from the description of The Forever War ...

... Their first encounter with Taurans, on a planet orbiting Epsilon Aurigae, triggers their post-hypnotic training, which causes them to massacre the Taurans despite their lack of resistance. This first expedition, beginning in 1997, lasts only two years from the soldiers' point of view, but due to time dilation, they return to Earth in 2024.[4] During the expedition's second battle, the soldiers experience future shock first-hand, as the Taurans have much more advanced weaponry. Mandella, with fellow soldier and lover Marygay Potter, returns to civilian life, only to find humanity drastically changed. He and the other discharged soldiers have difficulty fitting into a society that has altered almost beyond their comprehension. The veterans learn that, to curb overpopulation, which led to class wars around the world caused by inequitable rationing, homosexuality has become officially encouraged by many of the world's nations. The world has become a very dangerous place due to mass unemployment and the easy availability of weapons. Alienated, Mandella and many other veterans re-enlist, despite the extremely high casualty rate and their recognition that the military is a soulless construct. Mandella and Potter receive promised postings as instructors on Luna, but upon arrival are immediately reassigned to a combat command.

Almost entirely through luck, Mandella survives four years of military service, while several centuries elapse in real time. He soon becomes the objectively oldest surviving soldier in the war, attaining high rank through seniority rather than ambition. He and Potter (who has remained his last link with the Earth of his youth) are eventually given different assignments, meaning that even if they both survive the war they will likely never meet again due to time dilation. After briefly contemplating suicide, Mandella assumes the post of commanding officer of a "strike force", commanding soldiers who speak a language largely unrecognizable to him, whose ethnicity is now nearly uniform ('vaguely Polynesian' in appearance) and who are exclusively homosexual. He is disliked by his soldiers because they have to learn 21st century English to communicate with him and other senior staff and because he is heterosexual.

The main difference being that TFW seems to have had a sense of humor and did not take itself too seriously.


I think I read that book a long, long time ago. Joe Haldeman, wasn't it. I'm kind of dubious about old science fiction. There is a definite shelf life to SciFi and even the best you read as a kid usually does not hold up a few decades later.

From what I remember though this movie is not a rip-off of anything, least of all The Forever War. For one thing whatever it ripped off would have to be as bad as this movie, and it was terrible. If there was a book this terrible, I think it would never have been published.

If you are interested in books like this having to do with Sci Fi and war, I'd recommend John Scalzi's "Old Man's War" that fires on all cylinders. That is, if you have not read it already. The novel itself is like a little bit of every other book of its kind rolled into something that makes sense and is suspenseful, but funny and compelling all at the same time. It's like an update of Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers, but snappier and better written ... but without Heinlein's preaching ... which for ,e was the main reason I used to read Heinlein.


I thought it was a Sequel to Edge of Tomorrow Live Die Repeat


Ridley Scott would have destroyed it, like he does everything else these days - so good riddance.


With the names so similar, I thought initially it might be something related to The Forever War. Glad I am not the only one. Read the book though, great book.


That sounds like it should a tv show instead.
