Very entertaining movie, but gets very heavy handed and too obvious at times
While I very much enjoyed the film, it did have some integral problems.
1) At points in the film when a historical or real person is brought up the movie cuts to a picture of them and gives us history about them. I thought this was unnecessary, if the audience is concerned or interested they can look them up themselves, you don't need to stop the movie in its tracks to educated us about them.
2) I know Spike Lee hates Trump and so do many others, but some of the insults are too obvious. One of the main ones is callings him somethings along the lines of "skull and bones" and then when showing a news-clip of him it actually puts that as his name instead of Donald Trump. Also towards the conclusion of the film one of the antagonist takes one of the character's hats that reads "Make America great again" and puts it on while he is continuing his assault on the main characters. Did you really need to make it that blatant?