MovieChat Forums > The Stranger (2020) Discussion > They incorrectly say "in the hospital" i...

They incorrectly say "in the hospital" instead of just "in hospital"

All UK talk I've ever heard they say someone is "in hospital ", but when Dante was hospitalized they said he was "in the hospital ".

It seems like a British script with the coffee orders, and they're talking all "hey mate". "you fancy this", car trunk=boot and so forth, but why the inconsistency with this very common phrase "he's in hospital ", "he was taken to hospital "?

It's like in the US we say "he's at church " vs. "he's at the store".

In UK grammar, church = hospital.


Certain terms dont need the "a"

He's in school
He's in church
He's in training


Yes those are good examples too. Strange language we speak!


Weird , I thought I'd typed more than that , something like "he's at the store" , where you wouldnt put it the same form as the 3 above .
but it was just me rambling and spitting examples out. I'd confused myself by then of my full post : )


so, "THE" is being CANCELLED for offending someone, I take it?

seriously, who gives a shit?


Nothing to do whatsoever with CANCEL CULTURE, just a simple, curious observation.

Don't read too much into it :).

I'm just curious if anyone else noticed. I spent significant time in Europe and listened to the BBC a lot. The stories where the injured were "taken to hospital" just always stood out to me as quirky.


In church - he is worshiping/praying
In the church - he is inside the church building
Same for the original and the spoofed English
