The mixed couples

Did anyone notice there seemed to be quite a lot of mixed race marriage/relationships in this series. I'm not sure what the agenda the makers of this show are trying to convey to us, but it just felt a bit forced and unnecessary


That's true of most Netflix originals.



2020 though, that's what people want nowadays or they get all snippity "waah give us more diversification waah!"


It's a double-edged sword. If tv shows don't have mixed race couples represented, you will have dipshits giving out. If they do have mixed race couples represented, you will have dipshits giving out.


Well if portrayed reality would make more sense, at least where I live there must be about 1 mixed couple for every hundred or so


The US ratio is between 10 and 11%. Maybe you live a rural life?


Not really, I live 15 minutes car drive from the capitol, my city specifically is know for having lots of blacks, recently also Indians and Middle Eastern people. I can tell you that people don't actually mix at all. You see whites with whites, blacks with blacks and the following ALWAYS to their keen, Chinese, Indians, Ukrainians


Well, about 1 in 10 mixes in the USA. And that's marriage. The sleeping around is probably multiple that.


Yeah I think it's mostly a cultural thing, people want to be with those who they can relate to


Yes, and for a growing number of people that is skin color independant.


Yes, believe it or not I worked with this guy for a couple of years and one day someone mentioned the fact that he was black. Until that point I didn't really notice or at least thought about that at all, and he was my desk colleague lol I guess that he really didn't fit into our local stereotype. He was really into metal and football


That's all you got out of this? That was your concern? How narrow-minded you are.


because this is in England and its more common or not a big deal over there like here in the states. get over it.


More common but not 50 percent


Why is this even a topic?


Because it's ridiculous over-representation. Same with LGTBQ+. A recent survey had respondents under age 30 believing that 20% of the population is gay, when it's closer to 4% IRL.


MOST tv and movies work with "relatability". As in, if people can't RELATE directly to it, they won't continue watching.
That's why there are very few shows with the lead character being a space alien, rhinoceros that is yellow with purple polkadots, who only talks by rapping. Because there aren't enough space alien, rhinoceros that is yellow with purple polkadots, who only talks by rapping that would watch and RELATE to it.

Same with mixed race couples.
Though TV and now movies would make you suspect the world is made up of PRIMARILY 95% mixed race couples (thanks to failing DEI, and unrealistic social justice bullshit), it simply isn't true at all. This leads to less relateability, and causes viewers to question the reasoning for showing unrelatable fiction.

Same thing would happen if the mixed couple included a space alien, rhinoceros that is yellow with purple pocadots, who only talks by rapping.


Yes I noticed. If blacks aren't 50% of your cast they'll call for a boycott and all the bleeding heart liberals will follow along like waaaah waaaah (black) sheep.
