Why the hate ?

looking at the content of the threads here People seem very keen for this to "bomb"

It sounds like an interesting movie to me , and I'm not even a fan of the "pschological horror" that it seems to be .

The reviews (and score) on imdb seem ok.

But the more vocal naysayers on here will dismiss that out of hand with
"All fake reviews paid for by Big Cinema"

A couple of the threads indicate the usual moviechat women haters at work , but it does seem more than that too.

Is the director unpopular? this wright guy?

I'd be interested from some spoiler free opinions from those who have actually seen the film.


They hate movies about women. They hate it when men -white men- aren't the heroes of the story.


I have to agree with you. It's what I was going to say.


Many people on moviechat just want things to bomb because they're negative as all hell.

The movie itself though isn't that great. There are a lot of people smitten by it, and the first third of the film shows much promise. But ultimately, I think it's a fusion of psychological thriller and horror, and it doesn't particularly do well at either. The thrills are surface, which could be fine, and again, a lot of people do seem to enjoy the experience. But for me, I find that the movie fails to live up to its promise, so you get a watered down version of more superior films like Black Swan or Perfect Blue. It's not particularly consistent in this thematic arcs, narrative details, or even the style in how the film progresses into its climax.

There were some interesting ideas here, perhaps too interesting, so I found myself disappointed with the final product.


I mostly agree with your take on the movie. I think it is very clever, well-done, but tonally discordant. I mean, it is SUPPOSED to be jarring, and while it was well-done, I think it was too strident and went too far off the rails. I really liked the set-up and the first third was excellent. I also really liked the last third, but the middle third was just too much and a bt of a mess. Its like they could have gone with a "softer" movie if the first third played out, and presuming it would take turns and get darker. Or, if the last third of the movie had a smoother introduction it could have played out as it did. Still, full points for the production and entertainment value.


In terms of jarring visualizes, yeah I do think it did the whole psychological break thing fantastically. The protagonist's slowly losing her mind due to her abilities was conveyed beautifully. But I don't think the narrative vision was strong enough here, when it seemed like it was going somewhere.

I guess you're right. It's not that I don't like the final third (I loved the twist, loved the climax "fight")...it's just more of...as a whole, I felt like the movie didn't do it very well.


You liked the LAST third? Even people who love the movie usually admit that's the weak link.


MoronChat is full of rejects who were banned on social media, including Reddit.
Conspiracy theories like "All fake reviews paid for by Big Cinema" are a sign of mental illness.


Because it’s woke crap stuffed with white-males-are-evil messaging.

Shame, because it starts really well.


It's tawdry, pulpy melodrama, wrapped up in a glossy package. There's nothing wrong with the cinematography, soundtrack, or production design. Even the performances are fine given what they had to work with. But that screenplay? Woof. Unfortunately it wasn't clear how dumb the movie was until I was 70% of the way through, so I just stuck it out to the end.

I should obviously learn my lesson not to watch Edgar Wright movies, though. I really enjoyed his TV show "Spaced" way back in the day, but since then it has been mostly mediocre to bad, although I did like "Shaun of the Dead" pretty well. But that was almost as long ago as "Spaced", so it would appear he had something 20 or 25 years ago that he has lost.
