I don't understand: what is the purpose of the lighter?

When Ethan Hunt holds the lighter he said: "This geiger counter will detect a radiological signature of the dragon's egg embedded in the buyer's key."

But they never use that lighter to detect the key, they use glasses. What is the purpose of that lighter? And he carry that lighter the whole movie!




It connected to Ethan’s glasses in the airport terminal scene, allowing him to identify the key as fake or real


It's very confusing, why bother to introduce another gadget? Why not just use glasses and said it can detect key.


There was probably more to it that was cut from the film. Just a guess.


They used the lighter for several other scenes which they wouldn't been able to if they only had the glasses.


I was waiting for it to be revealed as some kind of bug/tracker cos whoever had it Ethan was after them
